Changing Restoration Costs
As Louisiana advances its 50-year, $50-billion Coastal Master Plan, finding opportunities to save costs will be crucial given the severity and extent of the state’s land loss crisis.
To that end, Restore the Mississippi River Delta in conjunction with Coast Builders Coalition released an analysis prepared by The Water Institute of the Gulf (WIG) that outlines opportunities for the state of Louisiana to achieve substantial cost savings as it advances its master plan.
The analysis, “Changing Restoration Costs,” analyzes the opportunities that exist for the state to achieve substantial cost savings, particularly related to marsh creation projects over time.
Marsh creation, as a category, represents the single largest category of restoration costs in the state’s Coastal Master Plan. The findings showcase the tremendous opportunity to save hundreds of millions of dollars by moving projects forward sooner, whether through private investment or public funding or through bonding funds for future restoration projects whenever possible.