It’s time to step up to protect Louisiana’s coast.
The overwhelming public support for the Mid-Barataria Sediment Diversion hasn’t changed, but the need for it has only become more urgent. Only the politics has changed – and that is deeply concerning for Louisiana’s future.
Pledge your support for the Mid-Barataria Sediment Diversion here.
Stay up to date on ways to take action for the coast by following Restore the Mississippi River Delta on social media and subscribing to our email list.
Supporter Spotlight

The Very Rev. William “Bill” Terry
Rector of St. Anna’s Episcopal Church, New Orleans, LA.
How I got involved:
I became interested in the work of Restore the Mississippi River Delta when I was offered an opportunity to highlight their work during a Sunday Service that focused on nature. Since then I have been impressed with the educational and advocacy work done by the Coalition in working to save our coastline and wetlands.
Why I love Louisiana:
I am a native of Louisiana and spent my childhood raised on the water along the Gulf coastal marshlands. Later in life I was involved with the Gulf Coast fisheries industry. The richness of this Louisiana and her coastal lands, waters, villages and reefs are part of who I am and how I know the world. To see harm done to any of it is like harm is being done to my family. I want my grandchildren and their grandchildren to at least retain what is and if possible restore some of what was. I love Louisiana.