Latest Mississippi River Delta News: Jan. 21, 2014

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Latest Mississippi River Delta News: Jan. 21, 2014

01.21.2014 | By Latest Mississippi River Delta News: Jan. 21, 2014

Letter: Adley should be more concerned about loss of wetlands Letter to the Editor, W. Keith Hurtt, The Advocate. Jan. 21, 2014. “State. Sen. Robert Adley has written to confirm his respect for the rule of law and to deplore what he described as possibly the “worse case of neglect and law breaking” that he had ever seen…” (read more) Green Pre-Session Rally Planned By Jeremy Alford, LaPolitics Weekly. Jan. 20, 2014. “Russel Honoré, the retired Army lieutenant general turned activist, said …

Latest Mississippi River Delta News: Jan. 17, 2014

01.17.2014 | By Latest Mississippi River Delta News: Jan. 17, 2014

Federal-state coastal restoration task force approves four new projects By Mark Schleifstein, The Times-Picayune. Jan. 16, 2014. “A federal-state coastal restoration task force on Thursday gave initial approval to four new Louisiana restoration projects…” (read more) Bounty hunters making dent in nutria wetland damage, state wildlife officials say By Mark Schleifstein, The Times-Picayune. Jan. 16, 2014. “Bounty hunters have made significant progress in getting rid of one of the biggest culprits blamed for Louisiana’s rapidly eroding coastline: the nutria…” (read more) DredgeFest …

Latest Mississippi River Delta News: Jan. 16, 2014

01.16.2014 | By Latest Mississippi River Delta News: Jan. 16, 2014

Jefferson Parish cancels Saturday marsh project due to ‘huge success’ already By Drew Broach, The Times-Picayune. Jan. 15, 2014. “Jefferson Parish officials have cancelled Saturday’s Christmas tree marsh restoration volunteer project “due to the huge success of this past weekend’s volunteer event…” (read more) Diversions, barrier islands discussed at coastal restoration meeting By Xerxes Wilson, The Houma Courier. Jan. 15, 2014. “State officials heard concerns over fresh water diversions and future local development as the state presented its annual plan for …

Latest Mississippi River Delta News: Jan. 15, 2014

01.15.2014 | By Latest Mississippi River Delta News: Jan. 15, 2014

Live blog: Lawyers suing oil & gas industry to appear before state coastal authority By Bob Marshall, The Lens. Jan. 14, 2014. “The Lens will live-blog what could be a wetlands’ version of “High Noon” at Wednesday’s meeting of the Coastal Protection and Restoration Authority…” (read more) Spending bill could delay flood insurance hikes By Associated Press. Jan. 14, 2014. “Homeowners worried that new federal flood maps will send their flood insurance premiums skyrocketing would get some short-term relief…” (read …

Latest Mississippi River Delta News: Jan. 14, 2014

01.14.2014 | By Latest Mississippi River Delta News: Jan. 14, 2014

Saving the Bayou  By Daniel M. Rothschild, National Review Online. Jan. 13, 2014. “Last Friday, the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals reined in BP’s efforts to curb payouts for what the oil company called “absurd” and “fictitious” claims related to the 2010 Gulf Coast Deepwater Horizon oil spill…” (read more) Local birding group to hear Muth report BY Jimmy Watson, The Shreveport Times. Jan. 13, 2014. “David Muth, director of the Mississippi River Delta Restoration Program, under the auspices of the National Wildlife Federation, …

Latest Mississippi River Delta News: Jan. 13, 2014

01.13.2014 | By Latest Mississippi River Delta News: Jan. 13, 2014

Dying marsh on central La. coast draws scrutiny By Amy Wold, The Advocate. Jan. 11, 2014. “It was the mystery of 2000 for coastal researchers. Why were large swaths of coastal marsh turning brown and dying?…” (read more) Morganza-to-the-Gulf levee system expands By Xerxes Wilson, The Houma Courier (Houma, La.). Jan. 10, 2014. “One year after passage of a half-cent sales tax to build flood protection in Terrebonne Parish, plans are in place to close the remaining gaps to protect …

Latest Mississippi River Delta News: Jan. 10, 2014

01.10.2014 | By Latest Mississippi River Delta News: Jan. 10, 2014

James Gill: BP execs show sharp sense of humor Opinion, James Gill, The Advocate. Jan. 10, 2014. “BP, alleging it is being forced to pay bogus Deepwater Horizon claims, is hoping to get the public on its side through national newspaper ads…” (read more) Experts discuss impact of Mississippi River diversion in Louisiana By Amy Wold, The Advocate. Jan. 9, 2014. “There’s an idea in the general public that creating diversions of fresh water and sediment from the Mississippi River …

Latest Mississippi River Delta News: Jan. 9, 2014

01.09.2014 | By Latest Mississippi River Delta News: Jan. 9, 2014

Intensive review begins of Louisiana’s plans to rebuild ravaged coastal wetlands By Mark Schleifstein, The Times-Picayune. Jan. 8, 2014. “…Urging more speed in getting the first diversion built was Jim Tripp, senior counsel for the Environmental Defense Fund, who has been following Louisiana’s coastal erosion problems for 40 years…” (read more) BP hasn’t lived up to its commitment following spill Letter to the Editor, Cheri Foytlin, The Times-Picayune. Jan. 8, 2014. “Re: “BP has honored its commitment, spokesman says,” Your …

Latest Mississippi River Delta News: Jan. 8, 2014

01.08.2014 | By Latest Mississippi River Delta News: Jan. 8, 2014

Public comments on Southwest Coastal Louisiana Plan (+video) By Erica Bivans, KPLC TV (Lake Charles, La.). Jan. 7, 2014. “A draft for the Southwest Coastal Louisiana Study was released in December. It identifies a plan to reduce the risk of storm damage as well as restore coastal ecosystems…” (read more) National Hurricane Center to use test storm surge maps during 2014 hurricane season By Mark Schelifstein, The Times-Picayune. Jan. 7, 2014. “The National Hurricane Center will issue maps showing potential flooding from storm …

Latest Mississippi River Delta News: Jan. 7, 2014

01.07.2014 | By Latest Mississippi River Delta News: Jan. 7, 2014

Let Nature Fill in the Details (Op-Ed) Op-Ed, David Festa (EDF), LiveScience. Jan. 6, 2014. “I recently was struck by a line in an article in the new issue of Scientific American. It called the loss of Louisiana’s coastal wetlands “the greatest environmental, economic and cultural tragedy on the North American continent.” It’s easy to see why they would say that…” (read more) ‘Bayou Woman’ runs blog, tours By Rachel Warren, The Daily Comet (LaFourche Parish, La.). Jan. 6, 2014. After …

Latest Mississippi River Delta News: Jan. 6, 2014

01.06.2014 | By Latest Mississippi River Delta News: Jan. 6, 2014

Column: How to spend oil spill fines wisely By Daniel Rothschild, The Tampa Bay Times. Jan. 3, 2014. “A federal judge in New Orleans will soon decide how much oil company BP has to pay in Clean Water Act fines for its role in the 2010 Deepwater Horizon spill…” (read more) Researchers still on the case of Louisiana’s mysterious ‘brown marsh’ By Amy Wold, The Advocate. Jan. 5, 2014. “It was the mystery of 2000 for coastal researchers. Why were …

Latest Mississippi River Delta News: Jan. 3, 2014

01.03.2014 | By Latest Mississippi River Delta News: Jan. 3, 2014

Public meeting set on river diversion projects By The Advocate. Dec. 31, 2013. “The first meeting of the Expert Panel on Diversion Planning and Implementation will be held 8:30 a.m. Jan. 8 at the Capital Park Welcome Center, 702 N. River Road in Baton Rouge…” (read more) BP Wins Expedited Appeal of Bid to Stop Spill Payments By Margaret Cronin Fisk and Laurel Brubaker Calkins, Bloomberg Businessweek. Jan. 3, 2014. “BP’s bid to block economic-loss payments tied to the 2010 …

Latest Mississippi River Delta News: Jan. 2, 2014

01.02.2014 | By Latest Mississippi River Delta News: Jan. 2, 2014

Coastal plan targets Southwest La. Projects By Richard Burgess, The Advocate. Jan. 1, 2014. “A federal report on coastal protection and restoration in southwest Louisiana calls for $1.7 billion in projects, a plan that state officials say is an encouraging start but far short of what is needed…” (read more) BP has honored its commitment, spokesman says: Letter Letter to the Editor, The Times Picayune. Jan. 1, 2014. “Re: “BP should dial back the attacks,” Opinions, Dec.20. Your recent editorial …

Latest Mississippi River Delta news: Dec. 31, 2013

12.31.2013 | By Latest Mississippi River Delta news: Dec. 31, 2013

Hold against the tides Opinion, The Advocate. Dec. 31, 2013. “While some may have forgotten the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, the people of southwest Louisiana can never forget the devastation of its 2005 sister in destruction, Rita…” (read more). BP Asks Court to Block Payments Not Directly Linked to Spill By Margaret Cronin Fisk and Laurel Calkins, Bloomberg Businessweek. Dec. 30, 2013. “BP Plc (BP/) asked a federal appeals court to block economic loss payments in its $9.2 billion settlement …

Latest Mississippi River Delta News: Dec. 24, 2013

12.24.2013 | By Latest Mississippi River Delta News: Dec. 24, 2013

Restoration work may help the birds By Jacob Batte, The Houma Courier (Houma, La.). Dec. 23, 2013. “A local coastal restoration program may have a positive impact on an endangered migratory bird that nests along the Gulf Coast. A study is being done in conjunction with the Caminada Headland project, a $1.7 billion component of the state’s plan to save the coast…” (read more) Dam on Pearl River could affect coastal restoration, Louisiana agency says By Sara Pagones, The Advocate …