Latest Mississippi River Delta News: Nov. 5, 2013

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Latest Mississippi River Delta News: Nov. 5, 2013

11.05.2013 | By Latest Mississippi River Delta News: Nov. 5, 2013

The Louisiana Coast: Last Call — Diversions? By Bob Marshall, WWNO (New Orleans, La.). Nov. 4, 2013. “Anyone following the development of the Master Plan for the Louisiana coast knows that the central part of the plan is also its most controversial: large scale river diversions, opening the levees on the sides of the Mississippi River south of New Orleans to let the silt-carrying Mississippi out into these sinking deltas to begin rebuilding them…” (read more) President to visit New …

Latest Mississippi River Delta News: Nov. 4, 2013

11.04.2013 | By Latest Mississippi River Delta News: Nov. 4, 2013

Stronger efforts needed to reduce nitrate pollution in Mississippi River basin By Sandra Postel, National Geographic. Nov. 1, 2013. “Despite growing concern over the last two decades about the low-oxygen “dead zone” that emerges each summer in the fisheries-rich Gulf of Mexico, the nitrate pollution at the root of the problem continues to rise…” (read more) New techniques speed oyster growth, harvests By Xerxes Wilson, The Houma Courier (Houma, La.). Nov. 1, 2013. “As oil began to coat the Louisiana shoreline …

Latest Mississippi River Delta News: Nov. 1, 2013

11.01.2013 | By Latest Mississippi River Delta News: Nov. 1, 2013

Environmental groups, residents challenge Plaquemines coal terminal permit in state court By Mark Schleifstein, The Times-Picayune (New Orleans, La.). Oct. 31, 2013. “A trio of environmental groups has paired with several Plaquemines Parish residents in mounting a state court challenge to a permit issued by the state Department of Natural Resources for construction of a new coal and petroleum coke terminal in Myrtle Grove…” (read more) Lawsuit seeks to block coal export permit in Plaquemines Parish; Sediment diversion slated for same site By …

Latest Mississippi River Delta News: Oct. 31, 2013

10.31.2013 | By Latest Mississippi River Delta News: Oct. 31, 2013

“Operation 111” aims to ensure Gulf restoration money will actually help the Gulf By Bob Marshall, Field & Stream. Oct. 30, 2013. “Honey, as we all know, attracts bears. But it also attracts flies, ants, roaches and plenty of other things we don’t really want around…” (read more) Getting Gulf restoration right: Economics and environment can’t be separated By Scott Burns, The Lens (New Orleans, La.). Oct. 31, 2013. “Protecting the environment is good business. That simple truth was clear …

Latest Mississippi River Delta News: Oct. 30, 2013

10.30.2013 | By Latest Mississippi River Delta News: Oct. 30, 2013

Maintaining a healthy Gulf Coast is key to local economy By Sinclair Oubre, The Houston Chronicle (Houston, Texas). Oct. 29, 2013. “The Operation 1-1-1 campaign, which launches this week, helps connect local residents and workers with policy makers to create a conversation about making sure oil spill fines are invested in projects that make economic sense for the businesses and families that depend on a healthy coast…” (read more) Bobby Jindal shows true colors in coastal lawsuit By Foster Campbell, …

Latest Mississippi River Delta News: Oct. 29, 2013

10.29.2013 | By Latest Mississippi River Delta News: Oct. 29, 2013

Inside Report: Finding buried oil from BP disaster takes some ingenuity By Amy Wold, The Advocate (Baton Rouge, La.). Oct. 29, 2013. “The discovery of a large tar mat on Fourchon Beach after Tropical Storm Karen prompted a renewed effort to search for buried oil in the wake of the 2010 Deepwater Horizon/BP oil disaster…” (read more) What are the wetlands worth? By Xerxes Wilson, The Houma Courier (Houma, La.). Oct. 28, 2013 “The value of wetland property can be …

Latest Mississippi River Delta News: Oct. 28, 2013

10.28.2013 | By Latest Mississippi River Delta News: Oct. 28, 2013

BP’s bill for Gulf of Mexico spill set to hit $43bn By Emily Gosden, The Telegraph. Oct. 28, 2013. “BP is expected to reveal this week that its total bill for the Gulf of Mexico disaster has increased to more than $43bn, as it reports that low refining margins have caused profits to slump as much as 37pc…” (read more) Life on the edge of climate change: An up close look at being climate refugees By Babs Roaming Buffalo Bagwell, Huffington Post …

Latest Mississippi River Delta News: Oct. 25, 2013

10.25.2013 | By Latest Mississippi River Delta News: Oct. 25, 2013

Environmentalists fear streamlining in water resources bills could lead to projects like MRGO By Bruce Alpert, The Times-Picayune (New Orleans, La.). Oct. 24, 2013. “Regulatory streamlining provisions in both House- and Senate-passed water resources bills could lead to poorly conceived projects like the Mississippi River Gulf Outlet (MRGO), environmental advocates said Thursday…” (read more) 7 people indicted BP Oil Spill fraud case By Associated Press. Oct. 24, 2013. “A grand jury has indicted seven people who are accused of receiving thousands of dollars …

Latest Mississippi River Delta News: Oct. 24, 2013

10.24.2013 | By Latest Mississippi River Delta News: Oct. 24, 2013

Coastal chief praises restoration efforts By Xerxes Wilson, The Houma Courier (Houma, La. ). Oct. 22, 2013. “The state’s top coastal restoration official told the Houma-Terrebonne Chamber of Commerce Tuesday that he is hopeful about efforts to restore the local coastline…” (read more) Louisiana seeks to build national coalition against sky-high flood insurance By Julia O’Donoghue, The Times-Picayune (New Orleans, La.). Oct. 23, 2013. “With efforts to delay extreme hikes to flood insurance premiums stalled in the U.S. Congress, Louisiana state legislators have started to …

Latest Mississippi River Delta News: Oct. 23, 2013

10.23.2013 | By Latest Mississippi River Delta News: Oct. 23, 2013

Oil Disaster Trial Phase 2: BP vs. Reality By Andreas Merkl (Ocean Conservancy), Huffington Post Green. Oct. 22, 2013. “It’s been more than three years since the BP Deepwater Horizon oil disaster grabbed worldwide attention. The explosive blowout that tragically claimed the lives of 11 workers on board the rig in April 2010 also unleashed an unprecedented amount of oil that flowed uncontrolled into the Gulf of Mexico for 87 days…” (read more) Judge orders BP oil spill claims chief …

Latest Mississippi River Delta News: Oct. 22, 2013

10.22.2013 | By Latest Mississippi River Delta News: Oct. 22, 2013

Bygone barriers: Preserving barrier islands proving difficult By Jeremy Alford, Louisiana Sportsman Magazine. Oct. 15, 2013. “It’s a rather simple matter to underestimate the worth of Louisiana’s barrier islands. When the freshwater river flow slacks off a bit and shrimp are able inch closer to the coastline, barrier islands attract anglers and guides like moths to a flame…” (read more) Meeting focuses on coastal study By Associated Press. Oct. 20, 2013. “The Army Corps of Engineers the Louisiana Coastal Protection …

Latest Mississippi River Delta News: Oct. 21, 2013

10.21.2013 | By Latest Mississippi River Delta News: Oct. 21, 2013

What BP owes America By David Yarnold, Politico. Oct. 18, 2013. “The BP oil spill civil trial in U.S. district court in New Orleans is an important moment for the future of the Gulf Coast, the efficacy of U.S. environmental protections and the accountability of corporations under the rule of law…” (read more) Crucial wetlands report is overshadowed by government shutdown By Bob Marshall, Field & Stream. Oct. 18, 2013. “We’ve just lived through more proof that politics is part …

Latest Mississippi River Delta News: Oct. 18, 2013

10.18.2013 | By Latest Mississippi River Delta News: Oct. 18, 2013

Louisiana outdoor industries recovering from storms, oil spills By Tony Garitta, The Dispatch (Lexington, N.C.). Oct. 18, 2013. “…David Muth of the National Wildlife Federation and director of the Mississippi River Delta Restoration program spoke of the group’s efforts to restore the flow of the Mississippi River to its dying delta…” (read more) Mississippi’s site seeks oil spill restore ideas By Mary Margaret Halford, The Sun Herald (Gulfport, Miss.). Oct. 17, 2013. “With $800 million available from the RESTORE …

Latest Mississippi River Delta News: Oct. 17, 2013

10.17.2013 | By Latest Mississippi River Delta News: Oct. 17, 2013

BP’s silent disaster By Dahr Jamail, Al Jazeera. Oct. 16, 2013. “2010 oil spill has left a legacy of psychological and social problems among residents in the impact zone. Most people believe only those who have experienced war can know post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). But those living in the impact zone of BP’s 2010 oil spill disaster…” (read more) Coastal restoration officials take on diversion questions By Amy Wold, The Advocate (Baton Rouge, La.). Oct. 17, 2013. “River diversions were at …

Latest Mississippi River Delta News: Oct. 16, 2013

10.16.2013 | By Latest Mississippi River Delta News: Oct. 16, 2013

Anba Dlo at New Orleans Healing Center  By Gambit Weekly (New Orleans). Oct. 15, 2013. “At 2:10 p.m., environmental scientist Denise Reed, National Wildlife Foundation Louisiana director David Muth and others discuss the proposal to redirect the Mississippi River below New Orleans and the environmental and social impact of such a diversion…” (read more) More oil found on Fourchon Beach Jacob Batte, Staff Writer, The Houma Courier (Houma, La.). Oct. 14, 2013. “More than a ton of oil has been …