Latest Mississippi River Delta News: April 26, 2013

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Latest Mississippi River Delta News: April 26, 2013

04.26.2013 | By Latest Mississippi River Delta News: April 26, 2013

BP oil spill trial: Federal judge issues order outlining key questions By Richard Thompson, The Times-Picayune (New Orleans). April 24, 2013. “The federal judge overseeing the BP Gulf of Mexico oil spill litigation issued an order Wednesday (April 24) outlining what he believes are the key questions from the first phase of the sprawling civil trial, which wrapped up a week ago…” (Read more) Analysis: BP’s legal gamble may trim spill bill by billions By Kathy Finn and Braden Reddall, …

Latest Mississippi River Delta News: April 25, 2013

04.25.2013 | By Latest Mississippi River Delta News: April 25, 2013

What BP Doesn’t Want You to Know About the 2010 Gulf Spill By Mark Hertsgaard, The Daily Best. April 22, 2013. “”It’s as safe as Dawn dishwashing liquid.” That’s what Jamie Griffin says the BP man told her about the smelly, rainbow-streaked gunk coating the floor of the “floating hotel” where Griffin was feeding hundreds of cleanup workers during the BP oil disaster in the Gulf of Mexico…” (Read more) Buzzing of insects falls silent in oiled coastal marshes By …

Latest Mississippi River Delta News: April 23, 2013

04.23.2013 | By Latest Mississippi River Delta News: April 23, 2013

Mississippi River to crest below flood stage in Vicksburg By Greg Hilburn, Gannett. April 22, 2013. “Though some communities in Illinois and Missouri are fighting floodwaters from the Mississippi River, it’s expected to crest below flood stage throughout most of Louisiana…” (Read more) DEO bill would re-route oil spill fine dollars from 8 Gulf counties By Bruce Ritchie, The Florida Current. April 22, 2013. “A proposed amendment to a Senate bill dealing with the Department of Economic Opportunity would remove …

Latest Mississippi River Delta News: April 22, 2013

04.22.2013 | By Latest Mississippi River Delta News: April 22, 2013

Deepwater Horizon: Surviving the oil spill – interactive video BBC News. April 18, 2013. “Three years on from the Deepwater Horizon oil spill, which devastated the Gulf Coast of the US, the residents of Grand Isle, Louisiana, are still living with the effects of the disaster…” (Read more) Congress needs to hold the corps accountable: Editorial The Times-Picayune (New Orleans). April 21, 2013. “U.S. District Judge Stanwood Duval spoke for South Louisiana residents last week when he expressed frustration that …

Latest Mississippi River Delta News: April 19, 2013

04.19.2013 | By Latest Mississippi River Delta News: April 19, 2013

Gulf Spill Cleanup Continues 3 Years Later, Full Impact Not Yet Known By Stacey Plaisance and Janet McConnaughey, The Associated Press. April 19, 2013. “BAY JIMMY, La. (AP) — At first glance, the marshy, muddy coastline of Bay Jimmy in southeast Louisiana appears healthy three years after the nation’s worst offshore oil spill. Brown pelicans and seagulls cruise the shoreline, plucking fish and crabs from the water. Snails hold firm to tall blades of marsh grass…” (Read more) Gulf Coast …

Still Not Over: Three years later

04.18.2013 | By Still Not Over: Three years later

Saturday, April 20 marks three years since the start of the BP oil disaster. Three years since the explosion that left 11 men dead and spewed 4.1 million barrels of oils into the Gulf of Mexico. Though time has passed, the spill’s effects are still unfolding. Researchers continue to monitor conditions on the ground. The new science continuing to come out demonstrates that the disaster’s effects won’t be fully known for years. The legal proceedings continue, too. Just this week, …

Latest Mississippi River Delta News: April 18, 2013

04.18.2013 | By Latest Mississippi River Delta News: April 18, 2013

BP oil spill trial continues as demonstrators note upcoming 3-year anniversary of disaster By Richard Thompson, The Times-Picayune (New Orleans). April 16, 2013. “A former Transocean executive testified Tuesday (April 16) that a key piece of equipment intended to shut down BP’s Macondo oil well in an emergency would have succeeded if its automatic mode function had worked…” (Read more) First phase of BP spill trial comes to an end Reuters. April 17, 2013. “(Reuters) – The first phase of …

Latest Mississippi River Delta News: April 15, 2013

04.15.2013 | By Latest Mississippi River Delta News: April 15, 2013

Waiting for BP’s pot of gold By J. Earle Bowden, The Pensacola (Fla.) News Journal. April 13, 2013. “We appear in a long waiting uncertainty, the BP bonanza and our new, juiced-up future penciled in somewhere on the long calendar of time. Yet, brightness on the horizon: super bucks in 80 percent of federal fines anticipated and allotted by Congress to coastal counties from RESTORE – Resources and Ecosystems Sustainability, Tourist Opportunity and Revived Economies of the Gulf States Act …

Latest Mississippi River Delta News: April 12, 2013

04.12.2013 | By Latest Mississippi River Delta News: April 12, 2013

Electrical engineer says dead battery, miswired switch caused BP Macondo well blowout preventer to fail By Mark Schleifstein, The Times-Picayune (New Orleans). April 11, 2013. “A New Orleans electrical engineer testified Thursday that a miswired solenoid switch and a dead battery resulted in the pods not being able to cause shears to cut off the flow of gas on the day BP’s Macondo well blew out, resulting in the explosion and fire aboard the Deepwater Horizon drilling rig…” (Read more) …

Latest Mississippi River Delta News: April 11, 2013

04.11.2013 | By Latest Mississippi River Delta News: April 11, 2013

Neil Shaw, BP Executive, Takes The Witness Stand In Gulf Spill Trial By Michael Kunzelman, The Associated Press. April 9, 2013. “NEW ORLEANS (AP) — A BP executive who oversaw the company’s Gulf of Mexico operations testified Tuesday that he he led a push to improve safety when he started the job more than two years before an April 2010 rig explosion killed 11 workers and led to the nation’s worst offshore oil spill…” (Read more) New science shows Mississippi …

Latest Mississippi River Delta News: April 10, 2013

04.10.2013 | By Latest Mississippi River Delta News: April 10, 2013

As 3rd anniversary of BP oil spill nears, wetlands’ restoration advocated By Benjamin Alexander-Bloch, The Times-Picayune (New Orleans). April 9, 2013. “As the third anniversary of the BP Deepwater Horizon oil spill nears, a marshy patch along the northern edge of Bay Jimmy in Plaquemines Parish is significantly smaller than it was just one year ago. Scientists say that while the oil spill destroyed or damaged many wetlands along the southeastern Louisiana coast, Hurricane Isaac then wiped large swaths of …

Latest Mississippi River Delta News: April 9, 2013

04.09.2013 | By Latest Mississippi River Delta News: April 9, 2013

BP Begins Its Defense Of 2010 Gulf Oil Spill NPR Morning Edition. April 9, 2013. “In New Orleans, BP has begun calling its first witnesses in a trial to determine who and what’s to blame for the massive Gulf of Mexico oil spill. BP likely will spend the next two weeks presenting its defense. Then the plaintiffs will have time to respond…” (Read more) BP trial witness says well ‘drilled safely’ in Gulf oil spill By Michael Kunzelman, The Associated …

Latest Mississippi River Delta News: April 8, 2013

04.08.2013 | By Latest Mississippi River Delta News: April 8, 2013

Gulf Oil Spill Payouts: BP Might Appeal After Judge Rules To Uphold Settlements By Kathy Finn, Reuters. April 5, 2013. “NEW ORLEANS, April 5 (Reuters) – A U.S. judge’s ruling Friday against BP Plc means the company can proceed with its appeal of the way a court-appointed administrator apportions payments for claims related to the 2010 Gulf of Mexico oil spill, some of which BP called “absurd…” (Read more) BP followed industry practices in drilling Macondo well, retired LSU professor …

Latest Mississippi River Delta News: April 5, 2013

04.05.2013 | By Latest Mississippi River Delta News: April 5, 2013

U.S. launches new “stop work” rules for safety on oil rigs By Ayesha Rascoe, Reuters. April 4, 2013. “WASHINGTON (Reuters) – The U.S. Interior Department on Thursday laid out its latest requirements to enhance safety for offshore oil and gas drillers, as the government pushes companies to advance worker protections…” (Read more) Fishy fortune: Boss’s Bayou St. John prediction comes true By Todd Masson, The Times-Picayune (New Orleans). April 4, 2013. “If you want to earn brownie points with the …

Latest Mississippi River Delta News: April 4, 2013

04.04.2013 | By Latest Mississippi River Delta News: April 4, 2013

Gulf oil spill judge troubled by Halliburton’s trial conduct By Harry R. Weber, FuelFix. April 4, 2013. “NEW ORLEANS –The federal judge overseeing the civil trial over the 2010 Gulf of Mexico oil spill said Thursday he is “troubled” by Halliburton’s “pattern” of conduct in not turning over documents, test results and other materials related to the cement that was used on the ill-fated well project…” (Read more) Cameron Dismissed From All Claims in BP Gulf Spill Case By Allen …