Latest news: March 7, 2012

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Latest news: March 7, 2012

03.07.2012 | By Latest news: March 7, 2012

Push to give Gulf states 80 percent of BP oil spill fines hits stumbling block By Bruce Alpert, The Times-Picayune (New Orleans, La.). March 6, 2012. “Senate Republicans blocked progress Tuesday on a $109 billion transportation bill, leaving unsettled whether Sen. Mary Landrieu will get a vote on her amendment to give the Gulf states 80 percent of any Clean Water Act fines assessed in the 2010 BP oil spill. Landrieu, D-La., is trying to add her bill, The Restore …

Latest news: March 6, 2012

03.06.2012 | By Latest news: March 6, 2012

$7.8 Billion BP Settlement Would Shut Down GCCF By Debbie Williams, WKRG-TV “BON SECOUR, Alabama — BP has agreed to pay 7.8 billion dollars to settle a class action lawsuit involving individuals and businesses damaged by the worst oil spill disaster in U.S. history. One one of those individuals is Tracy Redding. “In the end do I think we will end up closer to whole than we are, probably. But there is still so many unanswered questions…” (Read more) BP …

Latest news: March 5, 2012

03.05.2012 | By Latest news: March 5, 2012

Accord Reached Settling Lawsuit Over BP Oil Spill By John Schwartz, New York Times. March 2, 2012 “BP and the lawyers for plaintiffs in the trial over the 2010 oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico have agreed to settle their case…” (Read more) BP Deal Opens a New Phase, but Case Is Far From Closed By John Schwartz, New York Times. March 3, 2012. “Now it gets complicated. The late-night announcement on Friday of a proposed $7.8 billion deal …

Latest news: March 2, 2012

03.02.2012 | By Latest news: March 2, 2012

Notes from New Orleans: Bird is the Word By Sharon Litwin, WWNO Radio. March 1, 2012. “The National Audubon Society has just appointed a new executive director for the state of Louisiana, Dr. Doug Meffert. Listen to the Tulane alumnus share his story of ecological importance…” (Read more) Rockefeller Wildlife Refuge: history and mission By Jerald Horst, Louisiana Sportsman. March 1, 2012. “The history of the creation of the Rockefeller Wildlife Refuge is an interesting one, and weaves together the …

Latest news: March 1, 2012

03.01.2012 | By Latest news: March 1, 2012

Greens, pols join in push for RESTORE Act By Bob Marshall, Times-Picayune (New Orleans, La.). Feb. 29, 2012. “Coastal advocates this week began a new push on Capitol Hill for passage of the RESTORE Act, concerned reports of a imminent settlement between BP and spill plaintiffs could result in the estimated $20 billion in fines drifting away from Gulf restoration and into the federal treasury – a result the act is designed to prevent…” (Read more) Gulf oil spill case …

Latest news: February 29, 2012

02.29.2012 | By Latest news: February 29, 2012

Greens and Gulf Coast officials push Congress for fund for oil spill cleanup By Kevin Bogardus and Rachel Leven, The Hill (Washington, D.C.). Feb. 28, 2012. “Environmental groups and local governments on the Gulf Coast have stepped up teir lobbying push for legislation that would redirect federal funds toward the cleanup of 2010’s Deepwater Horizon oil spill…” (Read more) BP seeks settlement with oil spill plaintiffs group By Kathy Finn, Reuters. Feb. 28, 2012. “NEW ORLEANS (Reuters) – BP Plc …

Latest news: February 28, 2012

02.28.2012 | By Latest news: February 28, 2012

Amendment to restore Gulf likely to be taken up in Senate this week By Virginia Chamlee, The Florida Independent (Tallahassee, Fla.). Feb. 27, 2012. “Recently, the U.S. House of Representatives gave voice vote approval to an amendment that would dedicate 80 percent of the estimated $5-21 billion in Clean Water Act fines from the 2010 BP oil spill toward restoration of the area’s ecosystem and economy. The Senate version of that amendment is expected to be taken up this week…” …

Latest news: February 27, 2012

02.27.2012 | By Latest news: February 27, 2012

As Gulf oil spill trial is delayed until March 5, BP and plaintiffs step up settlement talks By Associated Press. Feb. 27, 2012. “NEW ORLEANS — Nearly two years after his brother Gordon was killed in the Deepwater Horizon oil rig explosion, Chris Jones had planned to drive in from Baton Rouge with other relatives to attend the start of the federal trial over the nation’s worst offshore oil disaster…” (read more) BP Oil Spill Trial Postponed By Matt Gutman …

Latest news: February 24, 2012

02.24.2012 | By Latest news: February 24, 2012

“Because My Pa Pa Works There” By Irit Tamer, OxFam. Feb. 23, 2012. “As Mardi Gras wraps up in New Orleans, it is a pivotal moment for the Gulf region. On February 27th, the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill trial is set to begin and may be the largest litigation in environmental history. The trial could result in BP having to pay billions of dollars in fines and damages for their negligence in the oil spill that left thousands without livelihoods …

Latest news: February 23, 2012

02.23.2012 | By Latest news: February 23, 2012

Judge rules BP, minority partner liable for Clean Water Act civil penalties in Gulf oil spill By the Associated Press. Feb. 22, 2012. “NEW ORLEANS — A federal judge has ruled that BP PLC and one of its minority partners in the blown-out Macondo well are liable for civil penalties under the Clean Water Act for their roles in the nation’s worst offshore oil spill…” (Read more) Coastal Restoration: A Smart Investment By Mark Tercek, CEO, The Nature Conservancy, for …

Latest news: February 22, 2012

02.22.2012 | By Latest news: February 22, 2012

Heavy Penalties Send Tough Message To Other Defendants JD Journal. Feb. 22, 2012. “The Deepwater Horizon Spill litigation process took a significant step towards compromise and reconciliation, when Mitsui & Co’s, MOEX Offshore, accepted to pay $ 90 million dollars in settlement money to the US and five states, Alabama, Florida, Louisiana, Mississippi and Texas…” Settlement Talks Pick Up Ahead of BP Oil Spill Trial By John Schwartz, The New York Times. Feb. 20, 2012. “NEW ORLEANS — Nearly two …

Latest news: February 21, 2012

02.21.2012 | By Latest news: February 21, 2012

House approves giving 80 percent of BP oil spill fines to Gulf fund By Bruce Alpert, The Times-Picayune. Feb. 17, 2012. “The House gave voice vote approval Thursday to an amendment that would dedicate 80 percent of Clean Water Act fines from the 2010 BP oil spill to a new Gulf Coast Restoration Trust Fund. The vote was a key victory for supporters of using the fine money to finance environmental restoration in the five Gulf states, but only a …

Latest news: February 17, 2012

02.17.2012 | By Latest news: February 17, 2012

Oil spill fine amendment through House but much work remains By George Altman, Press-Register. February 17, 2012. “WASHINGTON — The U.S. House of Representatives approved language Thursday calling for 80 percent of civil fines resulting from the 2010 oil spill, which could amount well into the billions of dollars, to be reserved to help Gulf states rebound from the disaster…” Spill-fines bill advances in U.S. House By Nikki Buskey, The Daily Comet. February 16, 2012. “Gulf Coast states would receive …

Latest News: February 16, 2012

02.16.2012 | By Latest News: February 16, 2012

Louisiana coastal restoration money could grow, shrink in Congress By Bruce Alpert and Mark Schleifstein, The Times-Picayune. Feb. 16, 2012. “It’s been two steps forward and one step back for efforts in Washington to generate financing for key coastal restoration projects in Louisiana. The House is nearing approval of an amendment to an energy bill that would give the five Gulf states 80 percent of Clean Water Act fines collected from the 2010 BP oil spill, a provision that could …

Latest news: February 15, 2012

02.15.2012 | By Latest news: February 15, 2012

Gulf sponsors want Congress to pass the RESTORE Act soon By Susan Buchanan, The Louisiana Weekly. February, 14, 2012. “Congressional delegates from Louisiana and other Gulf Coast states hope the bipartisan RESTORE Act will be passed soon and before a possible BP settlement with the federal government so that BP fines go to coastal states and not Washington’s coffers…” The Water Institute of the Gulf formed to coordinate research on restoring Louisiana coast By Mark Schleifstein, The Times-Picayune. February 14, …