Groups Commend Congress on RESTORE Act

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Groups Commend Congress on RESTORE Act

06.28.2012 | By Groups Commend Congress on RESTORE Act

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact:  Elizabeth Skree, Environmental Defense Fund, 202.553.2543, Emily Guidry Schatzel, National Wildlife Federation, 225.253.9781, Kevin Chandler, National Audubon Society, 202.596.0960, Heather Layman, The Nature Conservancy, 703.475.1733, David Willett, Ocean Conservancy, 202.351.0465, Mary Babic, Oxfam America, 617.517.9475, GROUPS COMMEND CONGRESS ON RESTORE ACT Legislation restoring Gulf Coast ecosystems and economy included in transportation bill  (Washington, D.C. – June 28, 2012) Local and national conservation groups have issued the following joint statement in response to the Senate and House …


Conservation groups laud funding for restoration efforts from U.S. House

06.01.2012 | By Conservation groups laud funding for restoration efforts from U.S. House

Federal funds will support critical restoration construction projects, jobs in Louisiana FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE (Washington, D.C. — June 1, 2012) Today, local and national conservation groups applauded the U.S. House of Representatives for approving $10 million in new funding for critical Louisiana coastal restoration projects. Passed as an amendment to the Energy and Water Development Appropriations Act, the measure was sponsored by Louisiana Representatives Steve Scalise (R-La.) and Cedric Richmond (D-La.) and directs $10 million to the U.S. Army Corps …

More than 100 Gulf Coast cities, municipalities, economic development groups and chambers of commerce urge Congress to pass RESTORE Act

05.30.2012 | By More than 100 Gulf Coast cities, municipalities, economic development groups and chambers of commerce urge Congress to pass RESTORE Act

Yesterday, 118 leaders representing cities, municipalities, economic development groups and chambers of commerce from all five gulf states sent a joint letter to House and Senate leadership urging them to pass the RESTORE Act. If passed, the RESTORE Act would direct the majority of fines paid by those responsible for the 2010 gulf oil spill back to Gulf Coast communities. Both the Senate and House have passed versions of the RESTORE Act as part of their transportation bills. The legislation …

Restoring the Lower 9th Ward: A resilient vision for New Orleans

05.07.2012 | By Restoring the Lower 9th Ward: A resilient vision for New Orleans

This post was originally published on the National Wildlife Federation’s Wildlife Promise blog. By Amanda Moore, National Wildlife Federation’s Coastal Louisiana Organizer in New Orleans What would you do if, in one day, you lost everything? I’m not just talking about your personal possessions; I’m talking about your entire community — your church, your grocery store, your school. The folks you meet in the video below, Warrenetta Banks and John Taylor, have lived out this scenario every day since Hurricane …

Conservation Groups Laud Funding for Restoration Efforts from Senate

04.26.2012 | By Conservation Groups Laud Funding for Restoration Efforts from Senate

Federal funds will support critical restoration construction projects, jobs in Louisiana FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contacts:    Elizabeth Skree, Environmental Defense Fund, 202.553.2543, Emily Guidry Schatzel, National Wildlife Federation, 225.253.9781, Kevin Chandler, National Audubon Society, 202.596.0960, (Washington, D.C.—April 26, 2011) Today, five national and local conservation groups praised the Senate Appropriations Committee for approving funding for critical restoration projects in Louisiana, including an effort to use sediment dredged from navigation waterways to recreate critical wetlands. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers would …

New NWF Report: A Degraded Gulf of Mexico

04.10.2012 | By New NWF Report: A Degraded Gulf of Mexico

This story was originally posted by the National Wildlife Federation. Wildlife and Wetlands Two Years into the Gulf Oil Disaster By Jaclyn McDougal, National Wildlife Federation. As the two-year mark of the Deepwater Horizon blowout approaches, the National Wildlife Federation issued a new report today examining the health of the Gulf’s wildlife and wetlands. Impacts from the Gulf oil disaster will be unfolding for years, if not decades, and many species of wildlife in the Gulf of Mexico will need …


86% of Louisiana voters support adoption of 2012 Coastal Master Plan

04.03.2012 | By 86% of Louisiana voters support adoption of 2012 Coastal Master Plan

Overwhelming majorities agree coast vital to future and can be saved  (Baton Rouge, La.—April 3, 2012) Eighty-six percent of Louisiana voters say they want their legislators to approve the state’s 2012 Coastal Master Plan, according to a new poll released today. The plan lays out a 50-year vision for protecting and restoring the coast, including increased hurricane risk reduction for coastal communities and reconnecting the Mississippi River with disappearing coastal wetlands. Overwhelming majorities of the voters surveyed in the poll …

Hill ads praise 76 senators for passing gulf restoration amendment

03.27.2012 | By Hill ads praise 76 senators for passing gulf restoration amendment

Groups pledge to work with senators to ensure final passage of legislation News Release (Washington, D.C.—March 27, 2012) Capitol newspapers will run full-page color ads this week by six Gulf restoration advocacy groups thanking the 76 Senators who approved legislation to dedicate 80 percent of the Clean Water Act fines from the parties responsible for the Gulf oil spill to restoring the Gulf. The ad copy says: “On behalf of our members nationwide, we thank the 76 Senate leaders who voted …

Gulf ads thank gulf senators for passing gulf restoration amendment

03.23.2012 | By Gulf ads thank gulf senators for passing gulf restoration amendment

62 Gulf businesses, business groups, restoration advocacy groups sign ads News Release (Washington, D.C.—March 23, 2012) Five Gulf state newspapers will run full-page color ads starting today thanking the nine Gulf senators who recently voted in favor of legislation to dedicate 80 percent of the Clean Water Act fines from the parties responsible for the Gulf oil spill to restoring the Gulf ecosystem and economy. The ads features a “thank you” from 62 Gulf businesses, business groups and restoration advocacy …

NWF tour finds BP oil still soaking Louisiana marshes, menacing wildlife

03.22.2012 | By NWF tour finds BP oil still soaking Louisiana marshes, menacing wildlife

This story was originally posted on the National Wildlife Federation‘s Wildlife Promise blog. By Miles Grant, National Wildlife Federation The National Wildlife Federation (NWF) this week led a boat trip to Louisiana marshes hit hard by the Gulf oil disaster. The trip made depressingly clear that while national attention has moved on and Congress still hasn’t passed legislation to restore the Gulf, much BP oil remains, it’s easy to find and it’s never far from the Gulf’s wildlife. The trip out of Myrtle Grove …

Mardi Gras Pass: A new diversion on the Mississippi River springs to life

03.21.2012 | Posted by

By John Lopez, Ph.D., Lake Pontchartrain Basin Foundation The Bohemia Spillway, located along the east bank of the Mississippi River two miles south of Pointe a la Hache, La., is a rare opportunity to observe the natural processes and potential benefits of the Mississippi River flow into the Louisiana wetlands. Because there is no artificial river levee to obstruct flow during high water, the river has been flowing into the adjacent wetlands for 85 years. In 2011, the Lake Pontchartrain …

Bassmaster Classic returns to the Mississippi River Delta

02.24.2012 | By Bassmaster Classic returns to the Mississippi River Delta

This story was originally posted the Vanishing Paradise blog. By Lacey McCormick, National Wildlife Federation The Mississippi River Delta is one of the best places on earth to catch monster largemouth bass. If America’s anglers didn’t know that before, they certainly discovered it last year when Kevin van Dam shattered the previous Bassmaster Classic stringer record at the 2011 Bassmaster Classic. Last night, the Vanishing Paradise team was honored to have the opportunity to make a presentation to executives at B.A.S.S. and …

RESTORE Act Fines Could Provide Job Opportunities in Gulf Coast, 32 Other States

12.05.2011 | By RESTORE Act Fines Could Provide Job Opportunities in Gulf Coast, 32 Other States

Economic Study Released 2 Days Before House Hearing on RESTORE Act  (Tallahassee, FL–December 5, 2011) The Clean Water Act penalties from last year’s BP oil disaster could kick start the launch of a long-term investment in ecosystem restoration and create jobs that would benefit at least 140 businesses with nearly 400 employee locations in 37 states, including more than 260 in the Gulf Coast and nearly 60 in Florida, according to a new Duke University study. The report—“RESTORING THE GULF …

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Tonight: Documentary Examines Solutions to “Turning the Tide” on Mississippi River Delta Collapse

11.30.2011 | By Tonight: Documentary Examines Solutions to “Turning the Tide” on Mississippi River Delta Collapse

Tonight, Nov. 30 at 8 p.m., Louisiana Public Broadcasting (LPB) premiers Turning the Tide, a powerful new documentary about restoring America’s disappearing Mississippi River Delta. The film includes many voices, including experts from the organizations collaborating in the Mississippi River Delta Restoration Campaign. Tune in tonight to this must-see film. Here’s more from LPB’s announcement: “Turning the Tide, a new 90-minute documentary from Louisiana Public Broadcasting, presents an in-depth examination of proposed solutions, proven strategies and bold engineering that can …

Restore the Mississippi River Delta Campaign Launches New Website

11.28.2011 | By Restore the Mississippi River Delta Campaign Launches New Website

By Elizabeth Skree, Environmental Defense Fund Welcome to the new home of Delta Dispatches! Today, five national and local conservation organizations launched, a new site focused on efforts to restore and revitalize one of America’s greatest natural resources: the Mississippi River Delta. Here, visitors can find scientific information about the delta, public policy analysis, cultural and historical summaries, as well as Delta Dispatches: a news blog about restoration efforts in the delta. “ is a one-stop shop for news, …