Latest news: May 16, 2012

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Latest news: May 16, 2012

05.16.2012 | By Latest news: May 16, 2012

Efforts to save coast slowed by lack of federal support Editorial, The American Press (Lake Charles, La.). May 14, 2012. “Remember the old joke about one of the biggest lies ever told is that the check is in the mail? Well, that’s not a lie when in comes to Congress. And it’s no laughing matter as far as Louisiana’s efforts to save its coast and wetlands…” (Read more) Boxer: Highway deal will include measure to funnel oil-spill penalty money to …

Managing the Mississippi River for ecosystem restoration, navigation and flood protection: A win-win-win

05.16.2012 | By Managing the Mississippi River for ecosystem restoration, navigation and flood protection: A win-win-win

By Alisha A. Renfro, Ph.D., Coastal Scientist, National Wildlife Federation The Mississippi River is one of the largest rivers in the world, carrying water, nutrients and sediment across America’s heartland, through Louisiana and into the Gulf of Mexico. The Mississippi River Hydrodynamic and Delta Management Study is a Louisiana Coastal Area project that has recently been initiated by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and Louisiana’s Coastal Protection and Restoration Authority. The purpose of this 5-year, large-scale study is to …


Take action: Help protect Louisiana's coast

05.15.2012 | By Take action: Help protect Louisiana's coast

By Elizabeth Skree, Environmental Defense Fund The Myrtle Grove sediment diversion is a linchpin of Louisiana’s groundbreaking plan to restore the coast and repair damage inflicted by the BP oil disaster. However, the State and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers are considering permits for the construction of a massive coal export terminal right next to this critical restoration project. Allowing these permits to proceed could stop the Myrtle Grove project in its tracks. RAM Terminal, LLC has recently applied for permission to …

Latest news: May 15, 2012

05.15.2012 | By Latest news: May 15, 2012

Gulf Oil Spill: Where are we now? By Greg Angel, WTXL-TV. May 14, 2012. “TALLAHASSEE, Fla. (WTXL) — Two years ago it was hard to escape the images emerging along the coastline of the Gulf of Mexico. Hundreds of miles off the coast of Louisiana, a BP oil rig exploded killing 11 men. By the time it was capped, it’s estimated some five million barrels of oil had contaminated the gulf waters…” (Read more)

Louisiana House Transportation Committee approves Coastal Master Plan

05.14.2012 | By Louisiana House Transportation Committee approves Coastal Master Plan

Today, the Louisiana State House of Representatives Transportation Committee unanimously approved the 2012 Louisiana Coastal Master Plan (SCR 46) and Annual State Coastal Protection and Restoration Plan (SCR 41). Last week, the Louisiana State Senate also approved both plans. The Coastal Master Plan lays out a 50-year vision for protecting and restoring Louisiana’s coastal resources and communities. Next, the master plan will go on to the House Natural Resources committee for approval. Check back over the coming days for updates on the plan’s progress through …

Latest news: May 14, 2012

05.14.2012 | By Latest news: May 14, 2012

River charts new course By Amy Wold, The Advocate (Baton Rouge, La.). May 14, 2012. “Scientists saw something new happen to the lower Mississippi River on Mardi Gras Day — the birth of a new Mississippi River pass…” (Read more) Bill would prohibit change for shrimpers By Nikki Buskey, The Houma (La.) Courier. May 11, 2012. “An amendment that would prohibit federal money from being used to require Turtle Excluder Devices on shrimp trawls passed the U.S. House of Representatives …

Latest news: May 11, 2012

05.11.2012 | By Latest news: May 11, 2012

Romney’s possible VP choice criticized for opposing RESTORE Act By Bruce Alpert, The Times-Picayune (New Orleans). May 10, 2012. “WASHINGTON – Republican Florida Sen. Marco Rubio, a leading candidate to be Mitt Romney’s vice presidential running mate, is getting some heat back in his home state for casting the only Gulf Coast vote against sending 80 percent of BP oil spill fine money to the five Gulf states…” (Read more) B.R. startup’s solution to nutria problem: Make dog treats Greater …

Job opening: Mississippi Flyway Communications Director, National Audubon Society

05.11.2012 | By Job opening: Mississippi Flyway Communications Director, National Audubon Society

Overview: Now in its second century, the National Audubon Society is dedicated to protecting birds and other wildlife and the habitat that supports them. Audubon’s mission is engaging people in bird conservation on a hemispheric scale through science, policy, education and on-the-ground conservation action. By mobilizing and aligning its network of Chapters, Centers, State and Important Bird Area programs in the four major migratory flyways in the Americas, the organization will bring the full power of Audubon to bear on …


Christian Marsh – Be a part of Louisiana’s next restoration success story

05.10.2012 | By Christian Marsh – Be a part of Louisiana’s next restoration success story

This was originally posted on the Coalition to Restore Coastal Louisiana‘s Coast Currents blog. By Scott Madere, Coalition to Restore Coastal Louisiana If it’s one thing we can count on at the Coalition to Restore Coastal Louisiana (CRCL), it’s the hard work and enthusiasm of our volunteers. Since our Community Based Restoration Program was created in 2000, more than 8,000 volunteers have joined us on the front lines of our coast, directly restoring 3,600 acres of wetlands. Next week marks …

Latest news: May 10, 2012

05.10.2012 | By Latest news: May 10, 2012

RESTORE Act for Gulf Coast draws opposition By Mary Orndorff, The Press-Register (Mobile, Ala.). May 9, 2012. “WASHINGTON – A proposal to split the Clean Water Act fines from the BP Deepwater Horizon oil spill among Alabama and four other states has drawn opposition from other parts of the country…” (Read more) Take advantage of tool for understanding the oil spill Editorial, The Press-Register (Mobile, Ala.). May 9, 2012. “TO THE unscientific mind, much of the technical information surrounding the …

Latest news: May 9, 2012

05.09.2012 | By Latest news: May 9, 2012

Lawmakers begin debate on RESTORE Act By Ledyard King, Florida Today (Brevard, Fla.). May 8, 2012. “Members of a House-Senate conference committee began debating legislation Tuesday that would steer billions of dollars to Florida and other Gulf Coast states still recovering from the 2010 Deepwater Horizon oil disaster…” (Read more) Letter: ‘Sensible, equitable’ By Manley K. Fuller (Tallahassee President, Florida Wildlife Federation), Naples Daily News (Naples, Fla.). May 8, 2012. “It is disappointing to see how some elected officials in …

Latest news: May 8, 2012

05.08.2012 | By Latest news: May 8, 2012

Legislator says coastal plan not optional for state The Advocate (Baton Rouge, La.). May 8, 2012. “Louisiana has little choice but to adopt a $50 billion plan to pay for projects that would protect and restore the state’s coastline, the second-highest-ranking member of the Louisiana House of Representatives said Monday…” (Read more) Outraged Greenpeace releases images of oiled turtles By Mark Schleifstein, The Times-Picayune (New Orleans). May 7, 2012. “Photos belonging to the federal government showing dead sea turtles covered …

Latest news: May 7, 2012

05.07.2012 | By Latest news: May 7, 2012

Making the coast healthier By Chris Oberholster, The Nature Conservancy, Alabama state director, for The Press-Register (Mobile, Ala.). May 6, 2012. “As the author of the guest essay, “A Firmer Foundation” (April 22), correctly notes, we can’t prevent natural disasters, but we can do our best to prepare ourselves to withstand them with as little loss of life and property as possible…” (Read more) BP oil spill settlement grants will pay for health, mental health services on Gulf coast By …

Restoring the Lower 9th Ward: A resilient vision for New Orleans

05.07.2012 | By Restoring the Lower 9th Ward: A resilient vision for New Orleans

This post was originally published on the National Wildlife Federation’s Wildlife Promise blog. By Amanda Moore, National Wildlife Federation’s Coastal Louisiana Organizer in New Orleans What would you do if, in one day, you lost everything? I’m not just talking about your personal possessions; I’m talking about your entire community — your church, your grocery store, your school. The folks you meet in the video below, Warrenetta Banks and John Taylor, have lived out this scenario every day since Hurricane …

Latest news: May 4, 2012

05.04.2012 | By Latest news: May 4, 2012

BP oil spill trial reset for Jan. 14, 2013 By Mark Schleifstein, The Times-Picayune (New Orleans). May 3, 2012. “The civil trial over the BP Deepwater Horizon oil spill will begin on Jan. 14, 2013, two months after a scheduled hearing on final approval of a settlement agreement between BP and private claimants, U.S. District Judge Carl Barbier ruled today. The first phase of the trial will focus on issues leading up to the explosion of the Deepwater Horizon rig …