Hill ads praise 76 senators for passing gulf restoration amendment

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Hill ads praise 76 senators for passing gulf restoration amendment

03.27.2012 | By Hill ads praise 76 senators for passing gulf restoration amendment

Groups pledge to work with senators to ensure final passage of legislation News Release (Washington, D.C.—March 27, 2012) Capitol newspapers will run full-page color ads this week by six Gulf restoration advocacy groups thanking the 76 Senators who approved legislation to dedicate 80 percent of the Clean Water Act fines from the parties responsible for the Gulf oil spill to restoring the Gulf. The ad copy says: “On behalf of our members nationwide, we thank the 76 Senate leaders who voted …

Latest news: March 27, 2012

03.27.2012 | By Latest news: March 27, 2012

RESTORE Act Means A Cleaner Ecologically Safer Gulf Coast International Business Times (United Kingdom). March 27, 2012. “A bipartisan group within Congress has been working since last summer to build support for a proposal that would provide a steady stream of funding for ongoing restoration work. Known as the Resources and Ecosystems Sustainability, Tourism Opportunities, and Revived Economy (RESTORE) Act, the measure would ensure that fines raised from the Deepwater Horizon spill are dedicated primarily to restoring the economic and …

Latest news: March 26, 2012

03.26.2012 | By Latest news: March 26, 2012

Adopt Louisiana’s coastal restoration blueprint: An editorial Editorial, The Times-Picayune (New Orleans, La.). March 26, 2012. “The state’s Coastal Protection and Restoration Authority spent nearly three months listening to public input on its coastal master plan and making changes before voting unanimously this week to adopt it. Now the 50-year, $50 billion plan, which addresses both hurricane protection and coastal restoration, heads to the state Legislature, and lawmakers should adopt this important road map for our future…” (Read more) Louisiana …

Gulf ads thank gulf senators for passing gulf restoration amendment

03.23.2012 | By Gulf ads thank gulf senators for passing gulf restoration amendment

62 Gulf businesses, business groups, restoration advocacy groups sign ads News Release (Washington, D.C.—March 23, 2012) Five Gulf state newspapers will run full-page color ads starting today thanking the nine Gulf senators who recently voted in favor of legislation to dedicate 80 percent of the Clean Water Act fines from the parties responsible for the Gulf oil spill to restoring the Gulf ecosystem and economy. The ads features a “thank you” from 62 Gulf businesses, business groups and restoration advocacy …

Latest news: March 23, 2012

03.23.2012 | By Latest news: March 23, 2012

Highway bill with money for coastal restoration remains stalled By Bruce Alpert, The Times-Picayune (New Orleans, La.). March 22, 2012. “WASHINGTON — Here’s the latest in efforts by Louisiana lawmakers to pass the Restore Act, which would funnel 80 percent of Clean Water Act fines from the 2010 BP oil spill to the five Gulf States: On Wednesday, the House, on a mostly party line vote, rejected a Democratic move to pass a two-year $109 billion Senate transportation bill, which …

Final draft of the 2012 Coastal Master Plan approved by CPRA

03.23.2012 | By Final draft of the 2012 Coastal Master Plan approved by CPRA

This story was originally posted on the Coalition to Restore Coastal Louisiana‘s Coast Currents blog. By Scott Madere, Coalition to Restore Coastal Louisiana With a unanimous vote of its members, the Coastal Protection and Restoration Authority of Louisiana (CPRA) approved the final draft of the 2012 Coastal Master Plan at its March 21, 2012 meeting held at the Louisiana State Archives. The completed draft represents a milestone for Louisiana: a comprehensive science-based plan for coastal restoration and protection, built to …


NWF tour finds BP oil still soaking Louisiana marshes, menacing wildlife

03.22.2012 | By NWF tour finds BP oil still soaking Louisiana marshes, menacing wildlife

This story was originally posted on the National Wildlife Federation‘s Wildlife Promise blog. By Miles Grant, National Wildlife Federation The National Wildlife Federation (NWF) this week led a boat trip to Louisiana marshes hit hard by the Gulf oil disaster. The trip made depressingly clear that while national attention has moved on and Congress still hasn’t passed legislation to restore the Gulf, much BP oil remains, it’s easy to find and it’s never far from the Gulf’s wildlife. The trip out of Myrtle Grove …

Latest news: March 22, 2012

03.22.2012 | By Latest news: March 22, 2012

Coastal authority approves 50-year, $50 billion master plan By Mark Schleifstein, The Times-Picayune (New Orleans, La.). March 21, 2012. “The state Coastal Protection and Restoration Authority today unanimously approved the 50-year, $50 billion five-year update of the state’s master plan for coastal restoration and hurricane storm surge protection, and sent it on to the Legislature. “Every community gets protection under this plan,” said authority chairman Garret Graves. “No one is left out and no one is left behind…” (Read more) …

Latest news: March 21, 2012

03.21.2012 | By Latest news: March 21, 2012

House decision on transportation bill means detour for Restore Act By Bruce Alpert, The Times-Picayune (New Orleans, La.). March 20, 2012. “WASHINGTON — A decision Tuesday by House Republican leaders not to bring up a Senate-passed transportation bill is a setback for Louisiana officials pushing to allocate 80 percent of fines from any 2010 BP oil spill to the five Gulf States…” (Read more) Public input seems to pay off Editorial, The Daily Comet (Lafourche Parish, La.). March 20, 2012. …

Only a piece of the pie: BP settles private claims, still in talks with government

03.20.2012 | By Only a piece of the pie: BP settles private claims, still in talks with government

By Whit Remer, Environmental Defense Fund Earlier this month, news broke that BP had settled its pending court case resulting from the Deepwater Horizon oil spill. Perhaps the most important takeaway is that BP has still not settled its case for environmental violations with the U.S. government. The gulf oil spill caused disastrous effects on both the economy and environment of the Gulf Coast. The settlement reached addresses the economic and health-related claims brought against BP from private plaintiffs consisting …

Latest news: March 20, 2012

03.20.2012 | By Latest news: March 20, 2012

Can Governments Respond in Time to Climate Change? By John McQuaid, Forbes Magazine. March 19, 2012. “Unfortunately for the people who live and work there, south Louisiana is a living laboratory for climate change. The huge marshlands have been sinking and eroding for more than a century, ever since the leveeing of the Mississippi River cut off the marshes’ supply of silt, and decades of oil and gas drilling carved them up…” (Read more) Landrieu says region must rethink its …

New research will help scientists and coastal planners design wetland restoration projects

03.20.2012 | By New research will help scientists and coastal planners design wetland restoration projects

By Alisha A. Renfro, Ph.D., National Wildlife Federation Wetlands are some of the most economically valuable and ecologically productive environments in the world. Often considered “the kidneys of the landscape,” wetlands help decrease the effects of floods and droughts, cleanse polluted waters, protect shorelines, control erosion and serve as sinks for atmospheric carbon dioxide. They are also important habitat for a variety of flora and fauna. But human activities and natural processes have greatly reduced the amount of wetlands worldwide. …


Latest news: March 19, 2012

03.19.2012 | By Latest news: March 19, 2012

The Gulf gets its share: Sen. Shelby should be thanked for work on RESTORE Act Editorial. The Anniston Star (Anniston, Ala.). March 17, 2012. “The extent of the BP/Deepwater Horizon oil spill became evident two years ago. That’s when Alabama and other Gulf Coast states began pushing legislation that would designate 80 percent of the fines levied for potential violations of the Clean Water Act to go to the restoration of the five most-affected states…” (Read more) Restore Act takes …

New model provides sustainable management tool for Louisiana’s oyster industry

03.19.2012 | By New model provides sustainable management tool for Louisiana’s oyster industry

By Alisha A. Renfro, Ph.D. and Maura Wood, National Wildlife Federation On March 10, Louisiana Sea Grant hosted their annual Louisiana Oyster Industry Convention in Kenner, La. The convention brings together members of Louisiana’s oyster industry and trade organizations to meet one another and discuss important issues. This year’s meeting focused on new oyster culture methods as alternatives to traditional wild-seed and on bottom production. Speakers from Maine, Maryland, Virginia and Alabama presented on how their states have adapted and …

Latest news: March 16, 2012

03.16.2012 | By Latest news: March 16, 2012

Keep the Gulf RESTORE Act on a roll in Congress: An editorial Editorial, The Times-Picayune (New Orleans, La.). March 15, 2012. “The U.S. Senate voted Wednesday to direct 80 percent of Clean Water Act fines from the BP oil spill to Gulf Coast states with the passage of its transportation spending bill, and that’s a huge milestone for this critical measure. The Senate amended its $109 billion transportation bill last week to include the RESTORE Act…” (Read more) Good news …