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1. [White Paper] The Impacts of the Mississippi River and its Delta on the Oceanography, Ecology and Economy of the Gulf of Mexico Large Marine Ecosystem
2. [White Paper] Research Gaps in the Understanding of the Impacts of the Mississippi River and its Delta on the Gulf of Mexico
3. [Report] The Impacts of the Mississippi River on Gulf of Mexico
4. [Data] Data Sets for Central Role Conceptual Models

The Mississippi River and its delta play a large role in influencing the Gulf of Mexico. The river is the largest source of fresh water, nutrients and sediments into the Gulf, and as such, impacts the Gulf’s circulation, geochemistry and ecology. The Mississippi River Delta provides food and habitat for numerous estuarine-dependent species, preventing sediments and nutrients from reaching the Gulf in areas where wetlands are being built – such as the Atchafalaya. However, the Gulf receives sediments and nutrients as wetlands are lost across much of the Mississippi River Delta. View data showing the distribution of the Mississippi River plume.

In the decades ahead, the impacts of the Mississippi River and its delta on the Gulf of Mexico are likely to continue to change, largely because of human-driven processes. Climate change, global sea level rise, channel aggradation and continued land subsidence could cause shifts in the lowermost flow of the Mississippi River, shifting the plume’s distribution northward.

The intention of this project is to provide relevant information to guide decision-makers as they advance restoration in response to the Deepwater Horizon oil spill and future oil spills or large-scale disturbances, prepare to reverse decades of other environmental impacts such as wetland loss, and prepare for a future with a warming climate and rising sea levels.

The following interactive conceptual models illustrate the complex relationships between the Mississippi River and the Gulf of Mexico.

Gulf of Mexico Water Column

How does the Mississippi River influence water column processes in the Gulf of Mexico?

This conceptual model illustrates the influence of the Mississippi River and delta on water column processes in the Gulf. Lines indicate links between key elements, along with the frequency of occurrence and strength of scientific knowledge. 

More information about each line-link can be found by clicking on the line itself.

Water Column Processes Model

Benthic Processes

What is the Mississippi River’s influence on the seafloor in the Gulf of Mexico?

This conceptual model shows the influence of the Mississippi River and delta on seafloor processes in the Gulf. Lines indicate links between key elements, along with the frequency of occurrence and strength of scientific knowledge.

More information about each line-link can be found by clicking on the line itself.

Benthic Seafloor Processes

Mississippi River Deltaic Estuaries

What is the impact of the river on the estuarine reaches of the delta, and what is the impact of the delta on the coast?

This is a conceptual model of the influence of the Mississippi River deltaic estuaries on the Gulf. Lines indicate links between key elements, along with the frequency of occurrence and strength of scientific knowledge.

More information about each line-link can be found by clicking on the line itself.

Mississippi River Deltaic Estuaries

Human Influences

What are the human influences of the Mississippi River on the oceanography, ecology and economy of the Gulf of Mexico?

The lines in this conceptual model indicate links between the human influences of the Mississippi River and its delta. Up and down arrows indicate increases or decreases in state.

More information about each line-link can be found by clicking on the line itself.

Human Influences