Ridge Restoration

Bayou La Loutre Ridge Restoration

Breton Ridge Restoration includes the restoration of two historic ridges on either side of the Mississippi River-Gulf Outlet (MRGO), Bayou Terre aux Boeufs and Bayou La Loutre. Bayou La Loutre begins in Yscloskey and extends into the southeastern Biloxi marshes. Bayou La Loutre ridge is actually comprised of two parallel natural levees flanking old Bayou La Loutre (Otter Bayou), which is part of the structural underpinning of the Biloxi marshes. Construction of the MRGO breached the ridges, dramatically altering the hydrology of the area and leading to saltwater intrusion and extensive wetland loss. The rock dam built across the MRGO in 2009 helped restore the hydrology but not the lost marsh or ridge habitat. The ridge has suffered from subsidence, saltwater intrusion and canal breaches. The project will use dredged sediment, likely from Bayou La Loutre, to re-establish the ridge. This will add elevation to the ridge and help improve hydrology, provide storm surge protection, decrease saltwater intrusion and provide important nesting habitat for migratory birds.

About This Project

Project ID: 054
Parish: Pontchartrain, St. Bernard
Type: Ridge Restoration
From the 2023 Coastal Master Plan

Coastal Master Plan Project ID: 054
Region: Pontchartrain
Parish: St. Bernard
Project Type: Ridge Restoration
Implementation Period: 2
Description: Restoration of approximately 110,000 feet of historic ridge along Bayou La Loutre to provide coastal upland habitat, restore natural hydrology, and provide wave and storm surge attenuation.

CPRA Project Factsheet

Project Implementation:

Bayou La Loutre Ridge Restoration and Marsh Creation

Project ID: PO-0178
Parish: St. Bernard
Land Benefit: 167 acres
Status: Construction
Funding Source: NRDA
Description: The proposed project will create approximately 5.46 miles of ridge along the bank of Bayou La Loutre and create or nourish approximately 421 acres of marsh south of Lena Lagoon using sediment dredged from Lake Borgne. The ridge feature will provide 24.4 acres of Live Oak/Hackberry Maritime forest habitat and will include herbaceous and woody plantings with smooth cord plantings along the toe.

CWPPRA Project Factsheet

Project Updates

  • Bid awarded for construction of Bayou la Loutre ridge component. Construction of ridge component is estimated to be completed by December 2024.

  • Bid advertised for ridge component of Bayou la Loutre project.

  • NRDA RP#8 is released, with $21.2 million included for construction of the Bayou la Loutre project.

  • Bayou la Loutre included in NRDA RP8 requesting $21.2 million for construction.

  • CPRA pursues funding for construction through NRDA rather than CWPPRA, recognizing the opportunity for cost savings and efficiencies by, ideally, combining the marsh creation component of the Bayou La Loutre project with the currently under construction Lake Borgne project. The ridge component would be bid separately. Bayou La Loutre will be included in CPRA’s Restoration Plan 8 for consideration.

  • Project team requests Phase 2 construction funds through CWPPRA. The project did not receive enough votes to secure funding.

  • Project receives funding for E&D through CWPPRA program.

What is a Ridge Restoration Project?

A ridge is a strip of land, usually a remnant of the bank of an abandoned bayou or stream, which is naturally elevated above the marsh surface and typically populated with trees. Restoring ridges can protect important habitat, provide storm surge protection to nearby communities and help prevent saltwater intrusion into freshwater wetlands. Ridge restoration projects can work with hydrologic restoration projects to reestablish historic salinities within the basin, reduce shoreline erosion of marsh creation projects and trap sediment from sediment diversions to help build land more quickly.

Other Ridge Restoration Projects

Bayou L’Ours Ridge Restoration

Ecological Highlights