Latest Mississippi River Delta news: July 3, 2014

07.03.2014 | In Latest News, Uncategorized

Mapping of Gulf dead zone must continue: Letter
By Letters to the Editor, | The Times-Picayune. July 2, 2014.
“Re: “Dead zone the size of Connecticut expected along Louisiana coast, scientists say,” June 25, This should be a reminder of the importance of the Gulf hypoxia issue for our state. Louisiana should be aware of another aspect of this situation, the potential loss of funding for the annual mapping cruise done by the Louisiana Universities Marine Consortium, or LUMCON…” (read more).

BP starts to pay medical claims in 2010 Gulf oil spill
By David Hammer, WWL-TV, New Orleans. July 1, 2014.
“NEW ORLEANS — After more than a year of delays, BP has paid the first 100 of about 10,000 medical claims filed by Gulf Coast residents and cleanup workers affected by the 2010 oil spill…” (read more)