Latest Mississippi River Delta News: Aug. 5, 2013
Petition asks state to support levee lawsuit
By Nikki Buskey. Houma Courier (Houma, La.). Aug. 5, 2013.
“Nine environmental groups are circulating a petition asking Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal to support a lawsuit filed against nearly 100 oil companies, blaming them for wetlands loss that has made coastal communities increasingly vulnerable to flooding. The historic lawsuit was filed last week…” (Read more).
A way of life on the brink of extinction in the Louisiana bayous
By David Usborne. The Independent (Bayou Corne, La.). Aug. 4, 2013.
“‘It used to be the most beautiful place on Earth. I thought that I’d die down there.’ The wistful words of Mike Schaff crackle through the co-pilot headphones as he banks his single-propeller plane to make one last circle over the small jumble of homes and canals deep in the verdant bayou country of Louisiana…” (Read more).
Is the flood board going rogue?
By Kevin McGill. The Associated Press. Aug. 4, 2013.
“In a month full of reminders of the perils and costs of offshore drilling — among them one leaky well, one full-scale blowout and spectacular fire and one corporation’s acknowledgment that some evidence pertaining to the 2010 Gulf oil spill was destroyed — July’s biggest splash was made in Civil District Court…” (Read more).
Suit filed on sinkhole anniversary
By Melinda Deslatte. The Associated Press. Aug. 3, 2013.
“BATON ROUGE — The state of Louisiana is suing Texas Brine for the environmental damage and massive sinkhole officials say was caused by the collapse of a salt dome cavern operated by the company. Gov. Bobby Jindal and Attorney General Buddy Caldwell announced the lawsuit Friday…” (Read more).
Jindal looks for ways to intervene in levee lawsuit
By Jeff Adelson. The Advocate (Baton Rouge, La.). Aug. 3, 2013.
“Gov. Bobby Jindal’s administration is looking for ways to block a lawsuit accusing oil and gas companies of raising the risk of catastrophic flooding in New Orleans by destroying the wetlands in southeast Louisiana. The move represents a step forward in the Jindal administration’s opposition to the suit…” (Read more).
BP Says Loss on Spill Claims Appeals Could Scuttle Settlement
By Margaret Cronin Fisk & Laurel Calkins. Bloomberg. Aug. 3, 2013.
“The settlement BP Plc (BP/) reached last year with most private parties over the 2010 Gulf of Mexico oil spill could be scuttled if a U.S. appeals court doesn’t throw out the interpretation of payments being used by the claims administrator, the company said…” (Read more).
Researchers gather samples near Hercules blowout
By Xerxes Wilson. Houma Courier (Houma, La.). Aug. 3, 2013.
“A team of coastal scientists is combing through samples taken near the site of the Hercules gas rig that blew out July 23 in the Gulf of Mexico. The rig, owned by Houston’s Hercules Offshore Inc., lost control of its well and soon after caught fire. The 44 people on the rig were all safely evacuated…” (Read more).
BP oil spill: Louisiana makes a dash for the cash
By Philip Sherwell. The Telegraph. Aug. 2, 2013.
“Gil Larpenter was turning his mind to dessert after a lunch of fried chicken, okra and red beans with friends at Li’l Miss Winnie’s, an unprepossessing joint in the sleepy town of Springfield, 60 miles north of New Orleans. The humid stupor of a Southern summer blanketed life outside…” (Read more).
Oyster Shells for the Coast
By Ian McNulty. My New Orleans Magazine. August 2013.
“Whether they’re served on trays of ice or chargrilled, the shells from the oysters you have for dinner at select New Orleans restaurants may soon end up serving a new role along the Louisiana coast. This fall, the nonprofit Coalition to Restore Coastal Louisiana is set to begin its Oyster Shell Recycling and Reef Restoration Program…” (Read more).
Louisiana’s congressional delegation weighs in on coastal lawsuit
By Rob Masson. Fox 8 – WVUE (New Orleans, La.). Aug. 2, 2013.
“New Orleans, La. The state’s congressional delegation is at odds over landmark litigation. U.S. Sen. Mary Landrieu (D-La.) says she is willing to let the case run its course. Rep. Steve Scalise (R-La.) thinks it’s a bad idea. The Louisiana marsh glistens in a way never intended. Hundreds of miles of exploration canals…” (Read more).
La. coastal damage lawsuit long overdue
Opinion by Foster Campbell. Shreveport Times (Shreveport, La.). Aug. 1, 2013.
“The coastal damage lawsuit against major oil companies by the Southeast Louisiana Flood Protection Authority — East is long overdue. For years we have seen how offshore oil exploration and production have damaged our wetlands. Yet no statewide politician except Gov. Dave Treen has tried to hold the industry accountable…” (Read more).
Have We Learned the Lessons from Deepwater Horizon? (Op-Ed)
By Frances Beinecke, President, Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC). Aug. 1. 2013.
“A natural gas platform in the Gulf of Mexico blew out last Tuesday night, igniting a fire and forcing the evacuation of 44 workers. Fortunately no one was injured, but natural gas is leaking and a relief well may have to be drilled…” (Read more).
Gulf Rig Fire is Deja Vu for Fishermen Still Reeling from BP Disaster
By Rocky Kistner. Switchboard – NRDC Blog. Aug. 1, 2013.
“When the Hercules Offshore Inc. gas well blew and caught fire last week, spewing natural gas and flames into the air 50 miles off the Gulf coast, many in the nearby fishing communities had another sickening feeling of déjà vu. It’s been a little over three years since they plugged the volcano of oil…” (Read more).