Latest Mississippi River Delta News: August 7, 2013
Climate change softens up already-vulnerable Louisiana
By Dan Vergano. USA Today. August 7, 2013.
“GRAND ISLE, La. — Pelicans and pickups roam the beach, where the waves roll in and return, lapping over the open water of the Gulf of Mexico. The water covers land that was once beach, and it has devoured land that was once marsh tucked behind this 6-square-mile barrier island, a speed bump for hurricanes headed north from the Gulf…” (Read more).
Storm protection project begins
By Jacob Batte. Houma Courier (Houma, La.). August 6, 2013.
“The first loads of sand have arrived for the Caminada Headland beach restoration that will help fortify parts of Lafourche against storm surge, parish officials said Monday. The long-awaited project aims to restore six miles of beach and dunes on Fourchon Beach from La. 3090 east to Elmer’s Island…” (Read more).
Judge orders BP to explain its refusal to pay $130 million cost of operating oil spill settlement claims center
By Mark Schleifstein. The Times-Picayune (New Orleans, La.). August 6, 2013.
“A U.S. magistrate judge has ordered BP to appear in federal court on Wednesday to explain why the company should not be directed to pay a $130 million bill it was sent to underwrite the cost of operating the center that is processing billions of dollars in economic claims covered by a settlement between BP and private claimants last year…” (Read more).
Hurricane Isaac oil and chemical releases examined by environmental groups
By Benjamin Alexander-Bloch. The Times-Picayune (New Orleans, La.). August 6, 2013.
“In the wake of Hurricane Isaac last August, at least 341,000 gallons of oil, chemicals and untreated waste-water were released by area oil, coal, gas and petrochemical facilities, according to a report released Tuesday. The report by the Gulf Monitoring Consortium, which examined National Response Center…” (Read more).
Letter: Lawsuit will hurt La. coast
By Gordon Wogan, President of LA Landowner’s Association. The Advocate (Baton Rouge, La.). August 6, 2013.
“The Louisiana Landowners Association represents hundreds of individuals and companies who collectively own and manage over 2 million acres of land across much of southern Louisiana and its coastal marshes. Numerous restoration projects implemented by our members can be found throughout these wetlands…” (Read more).
Coast requires federal funding
Opinion by Richard Torregano. The Daily Comet (Lafourche Parish, La.). August 6, 2013
“When I ran for Congress in 2012, one of the key issues I addressed was how to pay for restoration of Louisiana’s coast, which has a projected cost of $50 billion over the next few decades. Even after our share of the BP fines and increases in offshore oil revenue, we will still need federal money…” (Read more).
DuBos: Lawyers, not politicians, can hold BP accountable
By Clancy DuBos. WWLTV (New Orleans, La.). August 6, 2013.
“It didn’t take long for politics to overshadow the historic lawsuit filed by the local levee authority against 97 energy companies. The flood authority says the energy industry, which has carved up Louisiana’s coast over the past 80 years, should help pay to restore the state’s vanishing wetlands…” (Read more).
Flood Authority, suit against oil companies safe from political meddling — for now
By Bob Marshall. The Lens (New Orleans, La.). August 6, 2013.
“Seven years ago Louisiana gained national praise by overhauling its dysfunctional levee board system. Some 81 percent of voters said “yes” to a constitutional amendment allowing consolidation of local boards under regional authorities, and the Legislature passed a law setting professional standards for board members…” (Read more).
Protecting barrier islands in La. against hurricanes
By Dan Vergano. USA Today. August 6, 2013.
“Restoration Director for the Coalition to Restore Coastal Louisiana Hilary Collis explains a project to build up defenses for a barrier island protecting New Orleans and other parts of Louisiana…” (Watch video).
When Sandy Is the Norm: Are We Prepared for Hurricanes of the Future?
By Terrell Johnson. The Weather Channel. August 6, 2013.
“Just before the turn of the last century, Diamond City was a thriving coastal town of some 500 souls along the southern edge of North Carolina’s Outer Banks. Then came the Great Hurricane of 1899. Sometimes called that era’s “storm of the century,” it washed away nearly everything that made life possible on the island…” (Read more).
BP’s Oil Spill Settlement Is Engulfed in Fraud
By Paul Barrett. Bloomberg BusinessWeek. August 6, 2013.
“Look under rocks, and you’re likely to find worms. Dig into a multibillion-dollar legal settlement, and you’ll probably discover financial shenanigans. That’s proving the case with the BP-claims mess in the Gulf of Mexico. Quick review: As I reported in a recent Bloomberg Businessweek…” (Read more).