Audubon Louisiana’s Cynthia Duet Honored at Coastal Stewardship Awards Banquet
Last Friday, the Coalition to Restore Coastal Louisiana held its 19th annual Coastal Stewardship Awards. Awards are given to “those who demonstrate outstanding commitment to the coast, and have made significant contributions to the preservation and restoration of Louisiana’s coastal wetlands.” (CRCL website)
Cynthia Duet, Audubon Louisiana’s Director of Governmental Relations, received an award for her incredible work on coastal issues.
Cynthia is a member of the Mississippi River Delta Restoration Coalition, and she works with government agencies and legislators as well as coastal stakeholders to advance coastal policy, funding and project implementation. She is also a participating member of the state’s Coastal Master Plan Framework Development Team and Landowner Focus Group, and various other standing committees.
Cynthia is the former deputy director of the Louisiana Governor’s Office of Coastal Activities. She has more than 15 years of experience in Louisiana coastal policy development, strategic coastal planning and environmental project management and education.
Our campaign is proud to work with such a talented and hard-working person – thanks to Cynthia for her years of service and congratulations!