Hydrologic Restoration

Mermentau Basin Hydrologic Restoration

The Mermentau Basin Hydrologic Restoration project will address persistent marsh flooding and lack of drainage in the southern Mermentau and Cameron-Creole watersheds. The project will utilize gravity drainage to direct water southward across Highway 82 into tidally connected canals within the Rockefeller National Wildlife Refuge, as well as a series of other hydrologic features.

Along with other projects in the region, the Mermentau Basin Hydrologic Restoration project will relieve pressure on the Mermentau River, allowing for more efficient drainage through existing waterways. This will lead to healthier, more sustainable marshes in this area.

About This Project

Project ID: 347 
Parish: Cameron, Vermilion
Type: Hydrologic Restoration
From the 2023 Coastal Master Plan

Project ID: 347
Implementation Period: 1
CMP Region: Chenier Plain
Project Type: Hydrologic Restoration
Cameron Parish, Vermilion Parish
Type: Hydrologic Restoration

Description: A series of hydrologic features to facilitate drainage from the upper Mermentau Basin to the Gulf of Mexico. Kings Bayou: Channel dredging and cleanout in Little Chenier Canal and Kings Bayou, improving three road crossings, and increasing drainage capacity to the Mermentau River at the Kings Bayou Control Structures. Flap gated culverts under Highway 82 and on the south and west boundaries of the Rockefeller management area to move water south across Highway 82.

CPRA Project Factsheet

What is a Hydrologic Restoration Project?

Graphic by SCAPE. Found in 2023 Coastal Master Plan.

Graphic by SCAPE, published in 2023 Coastal Master Plan.

Hydrologic restoration improves freshwater flows to reduce or prevent harmful saltwater intrusion. These projects control salinity levels, preventing the die-off of freshwater plants and trees. Hydrologic restoration projects can also help maintain optimal salinities needed for the success of other restoration types, such as oyster reef and marsh creation projects.

Other Hydrologic Restoration Projects

Three Mile Pass Marsh Creation and Hydrologic Restoration | Houma Navigation Canal Lock Hydrologic Restoration Calcasieu-Sabine Large-Scale Marsh and Hydrologic Restoration Project

Ecological Highlights