Coastal Latest & Greatest: 3 Acronyms You Should Know, and How They’re Saving the Coast

02.16.2018 | In Latest News
A weekly round-up of what’s new in Louisiana coastal restoration

2) CPRA. Louisiana’s Coastal Protection and Restoration Authority (CPRA) is the state governmental authority tasked with developing, implementing, and enforcing a comprehensive coastal protection and restoration Master Plan. Watch this great “Coastal 101” video we created with CPRA and share to support #OurCoast!

Like and share this great video to be an advocate for #OurCoast!

Posted by Restore the Mississippi River Delta on Monday, February 12, 2018


2) GOMESA. The Gulf of Mexico Energy Security Act (GOMESA) was signed into law in 2006 and shares 37.5 percent of qualified outer continental shelf oil drilling revenue with oil-producing Gulf states. This week’s Advocate editorial, “Our Views: Trump support welcome on oil revenues,” celebrates the protection of this funding stream in the presidential budget.

Check out our blog, “GOMESA Coastal Restoration Funding Maintained in Trump Fiscal Year 2019 Budget,” to learn more about GOMESA and our persistent fight against any efforts to raid coastal dollars, including the proposed cuts to GOMESA in 2016 and 2017.


3) CWPPRA. The Coastal Wetlands Planning, Protection and Restoration Act (CWPPRA) was enacted in 1990 to provide funding for Louisiana wetlands restoration, averaging more than $80 million per year. Mark Schleifstein’s Times-Picayune article, “Coastal task force approves $62 million for six restoration projects,” outlines forward progress on 6 restoration projects along the coast, with two of them moving into construction!


ICYMI: “Love of state inspires coastal restoration advocate.” Check out Holly Duchmann’s Houma Today profile of our friend, colleague and coastal warrior: Simone Maloz of Restore or Retreat.