Coastal Latest & Greatest: 3 Stories You Should Read by Times-Pic Coastal Reporter, Mark Schleifstein

04.20.2018 | In Latest News
A weekly round-up of what’s new in Louisiana coastal restoration

1)  “Coastal board recommends $20 million for parish coastal projects.”

In this Times-Picayune article, Mark Schleifstein writes about six restoration and protection projects that were recommended for approval by the federal-state RESTORE council—showing vital progress on restoration via BP oil spill funds. On the selection process, Mark writes, “The state selected local projects based on selection criteria that considered their consistency with the state’s coastal Master Plan, the ability to restore or protect habitats or to reduce economic losses from storm surge, the project’s benefits, and how they fit in with other protection and restoration efforts.”


2) “State hopes new Army Corps program results in $196 million in restoration projects.”

So what happens to all of that sediment that is dredged from our waterways? CPRA is working to make sure that it is put to use restoring our coast! This article outlines how $196 million could nourish thousands of acres of wetlands—buffering our coastal communities from storm surge and rebuilding land that’s been lost.


3) “Coastal annual plan stalls as senator pushes for votes on coastal authority board.”

Approving the annual plan is a critical step toward funding and implementing coastal restoration and protection projects. The plan has already been approved by the House Natural Resources and Environment Committee and the House Transportation Committee but has stalled in the Senate Natural Resources Committee.

Take Action: Help ensure the legislature passes the annual plan by emailing the Senate Natural Resources committee and advocating for coastal restoration!


ICYMI: Our own Natalie Peyronnin writes about Louisiana’s changing coastline and the urgent need for restoration in her Letter to the Editor in The Washington Post, “Louisiana coastline won’t all be lost, just less.”