Latest Mississippi River Delta news: Aug. 8, 2013

08.08.2013 | In Latest News, Uncategorized

Two spots on a map highlight the bitter fight over how to fix Louisiana’s coast
By John Snell, FOX 8 (New Orleans). Aug. 7, 2013.
“St. Mary Parish, La. – Dr. Robert Twilley, an LSU coastal scientist, grabs a handful of river sediment, the building blocks for one of the newest places on earth…” (read more)

James Gill: Coastal suit muddies waters
By James Gill, The Advocate (Baton Rouge). Aug. 8, 2013.
“The levee board that has filed suit against oil companies for destroying Louisiana’s wetlands has been accused of a blinkered view…” (read more)

BP’s Robert Dudley on the Gulf Oil Spill’s Legal Aftermath
By Paul M. Barrett, Bloomberg BusinessWeek. Aug. 8, 2013.
“After the April 2010 Gulf of Mexico oil spill, BP (BP) said it wanted to clean up the mess, pay what it owed, and get on with business. Three years later, you’re at war with plaintiffs’ lawyers. What happened?…” (read more)

Lawsuit over destroyed wetlands to face first tests
By Jeff Adelson, The Advocate (Baton Rouge). Aug. 8, 2013.
“The massive suit against 97 oil and gas companies accused of destroying coastal wetlands could face its first real political tests over the coming week as lawmakers and other flood protection districts evaluate the case being brought by the New Orleans-area levee board…” (read more)

Fishermen want to see growth of oyster resource
By Theresa Schmidt, KPLC TV (Lake Charles, La.). Aug. 7, 2013.
“The Louisiana Wildlife and Fisheries Commission recently announced opening dates for the oyster season this fall…” (read more)

What Has Happened Down Here Is The Wind Have Changed
By Charles P. Pierce, The Politics Blog, Esquire. Aug. 7, 2013.
“Don’t know about you, but I’m really going to miss Louisiana…” (read more)

Oil and Gas Have Laid Waste to Louisiana’s Coast
By Sarah Hodgdon, Aug. 7, 2013.
“The Sierra Club’s Delta Chapter has worked for more than 28 years to slow and restore the damage to Louisiana’s coastal wetlands. Since the 1950s, the oil and gas industries have dredged thousands of miles of canals for drilling and pipelines — destroying the wetlands that are critical for wildlife habitat and for protecting the state from damaging storms…” (read more)

Levee authority stands up for taxpayers in coastal Louisiana: Letter
Letter to the Editor by Alfred R. Sunseri, The Times-Picayune (New Orleans). Aug. 7, 2013.
“Re: “Suit demands repairs to wetlands, ” Page 1, July 24. Wow, it’s only taken over 90 years for someone representing the taxpaying residents of Louisiana to ask the courts to decide if those responsible for slashing over 10,000 miles of pipeline canals through our wetlands will have to pay for their repairs…” (read more)

Video: Report says industry should do more to avoid pollution during hurricanes
By Amy Wold, The Advocate (Baton Rouge). Aug. 7, 2013.
“When a tropical storm or hurricane hits Louisiana, pollution in some form, including oil, chemicals and untreated wastewater and gas, is sure to follow, according to a report released Tuesday by the Gulf Monitoring Consortium…” (read more)

Local leaders shocked by Alexander’s announcement
By Cole Avery, The News-Star (Monroe, La.). Aug. 6, 2013.
“News of Rep. Rodney Alexander’s decision to not seek re-election left local leaders shocked and disappointed — shocked because no one saw it coming and disappointed the region has lost a powerful voice in Washington…” (read more)

Louisiana black bear population grows to 500
By Janet McConnaughey, Associated Press. Aug. 6, 2013.
“NEW ORLEANS — New studies suggest the Louisiana black bear population has gradually grown to 500, but whether the subspecies that inspired teddy bears can survive without federal protection remains in question…” (read more)