Latest Mississippi River Delta News: Oct. 29, 2014
Private Landowners to Benefit from New Gulf Restoration Partnership
By Laine Kaplan-Levenson, WWNO. Oct. 28, 2014.
“U.S. Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack was in Norco, LA on Monday to announce a new environmental initiative aimed at private landowners along the Gulf Coast…” (read more)
U.S. Agriculture Secretary Announces New Gulf oil spill Recovery Program
By Janet McConnaughey, Associate Press. Oct. 28, 2014.
“It’s a way to ensure private landowners can receive the right sort of incentives to undertake the kinds of good stewardship work that ultimately contribute to broader restoration goals for the Gulf…” (read more)
Life on a Louisiana island slowly disappearing into the sea
By Anna Bressanin, Jack Garland, BBC. Oct. 29, 2014.
“The US state of Louisiana is slowly disappearing into the Gulf of Mexico…” (read more)
Louisiana sues Corps of Engineers for $3 billion cost of repairing MR-GO damaged wetlands
By Mark Schleifstein, The Times-Picayune. Oct. 28, 2014.
“The state of Louisiana sued the Army Corps of Engineers Tuesday to force it to pay the full $3 billion cost of restoring wetlands destroyed during the maintenance and operation of the shuttered Mississippi River-Gulf Outlet navigation channel…” (read more)
WSJ Opposes the Legal Settlement that Separates BP from Its Money
By Meagan Hatcher-Mays, MediaMatters. Oct. 28, 2014.
“The Wall Street Journal is defending BP’s decision to fight its legal responsibilities in the wake of the 2010 Deepwater Horizon oil spill….” (read more)
‘Space journalism’: How ProPublica tells stories using satellites
By Catalina Albeanu, . Oct. 28, 2014.
“ProPublica published its Losing Ground interactive, using satellite imagery to explain the issue of disappearing wetlands in Louisiana…” (read more)