Latest Mississippi River Delta news: Sept. 11, 2013
DuBos: Levee board heads deserve to be reappointed
By Clancy DuBos, WWL-TV (New Orleans). Sept. 10, 2013.
“Gov. Bobby Jindal wants to quash the lawsuit filed against oil and gas companies by the local levee board. Part of his strategy is replacing board members whose terms have expired…” (read more).
Royalty-screwed: Big Oil likes to confuse severance taxes with cleanup costs
By Mark Moseley, The Lens (New Orleans). Sept. 10, 2013.
“In August, Sen. Mary Landrieu argued that Louisiana deserves a greater share of oil royalty payments, maybe even rates equal to those received by mineral-rich states in the interior, such as Wyoming. With the additional proceeds from offshore production, Landrieu argues, the state can fund its urgent coastal restoration needs:…” (read more).
Levee body says suit against energy firms aims to enforce restoration clauses in state, federal permits
By Mark Schleifstein, The Times-Picayune (New Orleans). Sept. 10, 2013.
“The damages lawsuit filed by the Southeast Louisiana Flood Protection Authority-East against 97 oil, gas and pipeline companies seeks to enforce federal and state permits requiring the companies to repair damages from their operations, authority officials said Tuesday…” (read more).