The goal of the Office of Community Development is to improve the quality of life of the residents of Louisiana by administering state and federal grants in the areas of Local Government Assistance and Disaster Recovery.
Local Government Assistance
Local Government Assistance
The Local Government Assistance Program (LGAP) and Community Water Enrichment Fund (CWEF) are funded annually through the state’s capital outlay program. LGAP is designed to fill the gaps where no other state or federal funds are available to assist local governments with an identified high-priority need. Priority is given to projects that meet basic human health and safety needs, such as fire and police protection and sewer and water improvements. CWEF provides funding to aid local governments in rehabilitating, improving, and constructing projects for community water systems to provide safe, clean drinking water.
The Community Development Block Grant Program (CDBG) helps communities provide a suitable living environment and expand economic opportunities for their residents, particularly in low- to moderate-income areas. The block grants are awarded to the state annually by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). The state’s program awards and administers the funds to local government units that do not receive CDBG funds directly from HUD. The State develops funding priorities and criteria for selecting projects each year based on consultation with the local governments to identify the most essential needs of the residents.
Current Programs Include: The Sustainable Water Management Consolidation Planning Grant, Public Facilities, Louisiana Small Towns Environmental Program (LaSTEP), Demonstrated Needs, Economic Development, and a Clearance Pilot Program.
Disaster Recovery Unit
The Disaster Recovery Unit administers disaster recovery and mitigation grants allocated to Louisiana by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development to help state residents recover from hurricanes such as Katrina, Rita, Gustav, Ike and Isaac and lessen the impacts of future storms. Funds are distributed through other state agencies, local governments, businesses, and nonprofit organizations to support and improve housing, infrastructure, economic development, planning and resilience. OCD-DRU manages the most extensive rebuilding effort in American history and works closely with local, state, and federal partners to ensure that Louisiana recovers safer, stronger, and smarter than before.

Citizen engagement at all levels is critical to the future of coastal Louisiana.
Points of Contact
- Louisiana Office of Community Development, Executive Director, Gina Campo:
MRD Contact:
Restore the Mississippi River Delta contact, Corey Miller, Community Engagement Director at Pontchartrain Conservancy: