Latest Mississippi River Delta News: Jan. 31, 2014
Letter to Gulf Coast governors on RESTORE Act
By Daniel M. Rothschild, R Street Institute. Jan. 30, 2014.
“As you know, Congress passed the Resources and Ecosystems Sustainability, Tourism Opportunities and Revived Economy Act, better known as the RESTORE Act…” (read more)
Gas Continues to Flow From Rig off La. Coast
By Bill Fuller, Associated Press. Jan. 31, 2014.
“Crews worked early Friday to stop natural gas flowing from a drilling rig off the Louisiana coast, and the Coast Guard said workers had cut the flow in half since officials lost control of the rig a day earlier…” (read more)
Louisiana-Army Corps agreement to provide new money for coastal restoration projects
By Mark Schleifstein, The Times-Picayune. Jan. 30, 2014.
“Louisiana may have found an unusual source of money to help pay for restoring the state’s coastal wetlands: fees required of developers by the Army Corps of Engineers to compensate for damage they expect to do to wetlands…” (read more)
Wetlands are a valuable national treasure
By Alan Matherne, LSU AgCenter, The Daily Comet (LaFourche Parish, La.). Jan. 30, 2014.
“Once considered wastelands, wetlands are everything but that. They are complex, fragile and finite systems…” (read more)
Reef will attract more fish for shore-bound South Louisiana anglers
By Todd Masson, The Times-Picayune. Jan. 30, 2014.
“If you do the bulk of your fishing off the pier at the Williams Boulevard Boat Launch, David Cresson has both some bad news and some really, really good news for you…” (read more)
Senate expected to approve bill delaying most flood insurance premium hikes for 4 years
By Bruce Alpert, The Times-Picayune. Jan. 29, 2014.
“With an agreement in place to limit amendments and debate, the Senate is on course to pass legislation delaying most flood insurance premium hikes resulting from a 2012 law…” (read more)
Coast Guard, other agencies, responding to a natural gas well incident south of Lafayette
By Mark Schleifstein, The Times-Picayune. Jan. 30, 2014.
“The Coast Guard and the federal Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement are responding to a loss of well control event…” (read more)
One year later, Touchdown for Homes’ plan to revitalize Lower 9th Ward is sidelined
By Richard Webster, The Times-Picayune. Jan. 31, 2014.
“Less than two month’s before the eyes of the world turned to New Orleans for Super Bowl XLVII in 2013, a coalition of homebuilders associations and the New Orleans chapter of the National Football League Players Association…” (read more)