Latest Mississippi River Delta News: June 13, 2013
New York City Could Look Like New Orleans, Due to Flood Protection
By Mark Fischetti, Scientific American. June 12, 2013.
“Yesterday New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg revealed a $19.5 billion plan to protect his home town against future sea level rise and other effects of climate change such as heat waves…” (Read more)
Time to Speak Up About Gulf Restoration
By Stephanie Carroll Carson, Public News Service. June 13, 2013.
“ST. PETERSBURG, Fla. – The civil trial against BP for the Deepwater Horizon disaster is in recess, but preparation and planning continues for how the funds awarded will be spent to restore the Gulf of Mexico…” (Read more)
Terrebonne Levee District delays selling $97M in bonds for Morganza-to-the-Gulf levee system
The Associated Press. June 12, 2013.
“HOUMA, Louisiana — Due to an unstable market, the Terrebonne Levee District opted to delay selling $97 million in bonds to raise immediate money for local work on the Morganza-to-the-Gulf levee system…” (Read more)
S lanes on 7-mile stretch of La 23 in Plaquemines Parish to close for most of hurricane season
The Associated Press. June 13, 2013.
“BELLE CHASSE, Louisiana — The Plaquemines Parish government says southbound lanes along a 7-mile stretch of the parish’s main evacuation route will be closed for most of the hurricane season while state crews raise it to prevent future flooding…” (Read more)