Latest Mississippi River Delta News: Nov. 6, 2013
BP launches new website defending the company’s response to the Deepwater Horizon oil spill
By Mark Schleifstein, The Times-Picayune (New Orleans, La.). Nov. 5, 2013.
“BP has launched a new website to counter critics and provide its own spin on developments involving the April 2010 blowout of its Macondo well, which caused the sinking of the Deepwater Horizon drillship, the death of 11 workers and an 87-day oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico…” (read more)
Auburn researcher says tar balls are “magnets for bacteria”
By Peter Albrecht, WKRG News (Mobile, Ala.). Nov. 5, 2013.
“Doctor Cova Arias is a professor of aquatic microbiology at Auburn University and an expert on the often-deadly and sometimes flesh-eating bacteria vibrio vulnificus. Arias’ research at Auburn and through the school’s lab at Dauphin Island has focused on vibrio’s impact on the oyster industry which was brought to a standstill three years ago by the BP oil spill…” (read more)
La. levee project with ballooning price tag seen as linchpin in WRDA talks
By Annie Snyder, E & E Publishing. Nov. 5, 2013.
“Lawmakers desperate to pass the first water resources bill in seven years are facing a $10.3 billion problem. That’s the latest price tag for the 98-mile-long “Morganza to the Gulf” levee and hurricane protection project championed by the Louisiana delegation for their state’s offshore oil and gas hub near the city of Houma…” (read more)
Bermuda grass is a cheap way to resist erosion — but it may not be enough
By Bob Marshall, The Lens (New Orleans, La.). Nov. 6, 2013.
“When historians look back at the building of New Orleans’ $14.5-billion post-Katrina hurricane protection system, it may come as a jolt to realize that vast amounts of research and debate were focused on a rather humble construction material, yet one engineers say is a key to keeping the whole mammoth project standing during a super storm…” (read more)
Louisiana, China team up on improving wetlands
By Olivia McClure, The Daily Reveille (Baton Rouge, La.). Nov. 5, 2013.
“University and AgCenter scientists will soon be able to exchange wetlands information and resources with a Chinese institute thanks to a recently signed agreement…” (read more)
EPA raises fines for air, water pollution violations
By Sean McLernon, Law 360. Nov. 5, 2013.
“The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency is raising maximum penalties for several air and water pollution statutes effective next month, saying Tuesday that the hikes are necessary to keep up with the rate of inflation…” (read more)