Latest Mississippi River Delta News: Oct. 23, 2013
Oil Disaster Trial Phase 2: BP vs. Reality
By Andreas Merkl (Ocean Conservancy), Huffington Post Green. Oct. 22, 2013.
“It’s been more than three years since the BP Deepwater Horizon oil disaster grabbed worldwide attention. The explosive blowout that tragically claimed the lives of 11 workers on board the rig in April 2010 also unleashed an unprecedented amount of oil that flowed uncontrolled into the Gulf of Mexico for 87 days…” (read more)
Judge orders BP oil spill claims chief to set terms
By David Hammer, WWL TV (New Orleans, La.). Oct. 21, 2013.
“BP and private plaintiffs have been fighting for a year over how to interpret their own oil spill claims settlement agreement, so it’s little wonder that both sides have now repeatedly failed to agree on which claims they’re even fighting over…” (read more)