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Marsh Creation

Delacroix Marsh Creation

The Delacroix Marsh Creation priority project combines the West Delacroix Marsh Creation and Oak River to Delacroix Marsh Creation projects from the  2023 Coastal Master Plan. These marsh creation projects are located in the Pontchartrain / Breton Sound region. Together these projects can work synergistically to bolster ongoing marsh creation efforts in this area of Plaquemines Parish.

The West Delacroix Marsh Creation project will build and restore approximately 5,100 acres of marsh south and west of Delacroix Island. The Oak River to Delacroix Marsh Creation project will build marsh within a footprint of approximately 2,400 acres in Plaquemines Parish between Grand Lake and Lake Lery. Both projects will create new wetland habitats, restore degraded marsh, and reduce wave erosion in the surrounding area.

Aspects of these projects include dredging nearby material to create and nourish existing marsh and constructing terraces in strategic areas to restore marsh habitat.

About This Project

Project ID: 313 and 250
Parish: Plaquemines
Type: Marsh Creation
From the 2023 Coastal Master Plan
Project 1: West Delacroix Marsh Creation


Region: Pontchartrain
Parish: Plaquemines
Coastal Master Plan ID: 313
Project Type: Marsh Creation
Implementation Period: 1
Coastal Master Plan 23 Description: Creation of marsh within a footprint of approximately 5,100 acres south and west of Delacroix Island to create new wetland habitat, restore degraded marsh, and reduce wave erosion.

CPRA Project Factsheet

Project 2: Oak River to Delacroix Marsh Creation

Region: Pontchartrain
Parish: Plaquemines
Coastal Master Plan ID: 250
Project Type: Marsh Creation
Implementation Period: 1
Coastal Master Plan 23 Description: Creation of marsh within a footprint of approximately 2,400 acres in Plaquemines Parish between Grand Lake and Lake Lery to create new wetland habitat, restore degraded marsh, and reduce wave erosion.

CPRA Project Factsheet

Project Implementation

Project 1: South Delacroix Marsh Creation

Project ID: BS-0047
Parish: Plaquemines
Land Benefit: 332 acres
Status: Engineering & Design
Funding Source: CWPPRA
Description: Sediment would be hydraulically dredged from Petit Lake and placed in two confined disposal areas creating 390 ac of marsh and nourishing 23 ac of existing marsh. Containment dikes will be gapped no later than three years after construction to allow fisheries access and reestablish hydrologic connectivity. This project would be one of the final pieces in the overall Breton Land Bridge concept and the closest piece to the community of Delacroix.

CPRA Project Webpage

Project 2: Mid Breton Land Bridge Marsh Creation and Terracing

Project ID: BS-0032
Parish: Plaquemines
Land Benefit: 411 acres
Status: Construction
Funding Source: CWPPRA
Description: This project involves the creation and nourishment of approximately 451 acres of intertidal marsh on the Mid-Breton Land Bridge in Plaquemines Parish with material dredged from Lake Lery, and approximately 22,960 linear feet of terraces in strategic areas to restore marsh habitat between the Bayou Terre aux Boeufs and River aux Chenes ridges.

CPRA Project Website

What is a Marsh Creation Project?

Graphic depiction of Marsh Creation Projects by SCAPE. Found in 2023 Coastal Master Plan.

Graphic by SCAPE, published in 2023 Coastal Master Plan.

Marsh creation or “dredging” uses sediment from the Mississippi River, nearby water bottoms or offshore shoals to build land in shallow, open water areas, typically where land has been lost. These projects can build land fairly quickly, but will eventually fall victim to the same process that caused the land to disappear originally. This type of project can be used in conjunction with sediment diversions to trap sediment, and sediment diversions can lengthen the lifespan of marsh creation projects by providing a continual source of sediment to the new marsh surface.

Other Marsh Creation Projects

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Golden Triangle Marsh Creation

Ecological Highlights