Marsh Creation

Large Scale Barataria Marsh Creation

This marsh creation project is in the Barataria Basin within a ribbon of wetlands stretching from the Mississippi River levee to the community of Lafitte known as the Barataria Landbridge. Historically, only a limited hydrological connection existed between the fresher upper basin and the saltier lower basin. Canals, erosion and subsidence have led to significant land loss in this area, exposing freshwater wetlands to saltwater intrusion and increased wave energy.

This project will create marsh within a footprint of approximately 15,000 acres in western portion of the marsh with the goal of creating new wetland habitat, restoring degraded marsh, and reducing wave erosion.

This undertaking supports a diverse ecosystem, fostering the well-being of various fish and marine wildlife. Notably, it ranks among the largest dredging projects ever undertaken in Louisiana. The land formed as a result of this project will play a crucial role in mitigating tidal flooding in nearby communities like the town of Jean Lafitte and enhancing storm surge protection in the densely populated New Orleans area.

This restoration project will also help protect the National Park Service’s Jean Lafitte Barataria Preserve, which encompasses 23,000 acres of swamps, marsh and waterways and is home to a variety of birds and other wildlife that use the park’s waterways and wetlands for foraging, resting and nesting habitat.

About This Project

Project ID: CMP ID: 090c
Parish: Jefferson, Lafourche, Plaquemines
Type: Marsh Creation
From the 2023 Coastal Master Plan

Region: Barataria
Parish: Jefferson, Plaquemines
CMP ID: 090c
Project Type: Marsh Creation
Description: Creation of marsh within a footprint of approximately 15,000 acre in western portion of Large-Scale Barataria marsh Creation project to create new wetland habitat, restore degraded marsh, and reduce wave erosion.
CPRA Project Factsheet

Project Implementation

Project 1: Large-Scale Barataria Marsh Creation Component-E

Project ID: BA-0207
Project Parish: Jefferson
Land Benefit: 1163 acres
Status: Complete (2023)
Funding Source: NRDA
Description: This project, also known as Upper Barataria Marsh Creation, involves the creation of approximately 1,163 acres of marsh near the south shore of The Pen in Jefferson and Plaquemines parishes using sediment from the Alliance Anchorage and Willis Point Anchorage borrow areas. The project is an increment of the Large-Scale Marsh Creation Project Component E identified in the NRDA Draft Strategic Restoration Plan for the Barataria Basin.

NOAA Fisheries Project Page



Project 2: NE Turtle Bay Marsh Creation

Project ID: BA-0206
Project Parish: Jefferson
Land Benefit: 372 acres
Status: Completing permitting
Funding: CWPPRA
Description: The proposed project would create approximately 377 acres and nourish approximately 300 acres of marsh in Northeast Turtle Bay in Jefferson Parish using sediment dredged from Turtle Bay. Two types of containment will be utilized for this project: semi-contained and fully contained. Approximately 2,870 feet of critical shoreline would be protected and two channel liners would be installed to prevent further enlargement of two primary water exchange points.

CWPPRA Project Factsheet

Project 3: NE Turtle Bay Marsh Creation Extension

Project ID: BA-0258
Project Parish: Jefferson
Land Benefit: 343 acres
Status: Engineering & Design
Funding: CWPPRA
Description: The goal of the project is to restore low salinity brackish marsh along the Barataria Basin Landbridge with dredged material from Turtle Bay. This project will create approximately 362 acres and nourish approximately 61 acres of marsh (423 acres total). The project will result in approximately 343 net acres over the 20-year project life.

CWPPRA Fact Sheet


Project 1: Large-Scale Barataria Marsh Creation Component-E
  • Project construction complete.

    NOAA Fisheries Project Page

  • Contractor dredged sediment from the Mississippi River and pumped to contained areas for marsh creation.

  • Began construction of an earthen dike to contain dredged material.

  • The project contractor, Weeks Marine, Inc.,  assembled equipment at the project site and began construction.



Project 2: NE Turtle Bay Marsh Creation
  • Permit modifications received, project in holding pattern as land rights discussions continue.

  • Permits still undergoing updates to the impacts of Hurricane Ida. Land rights/servitudes agreements for the project in progress.

  • Engineering and design for the project nearing completion, but project team had to conduct a complete survey due to changes associated with Hurricane Ida that would impact the design of the project.

  • Project approved for CWPPRA Phase 2 construction funding at $32,241,815.

  • Project selected for CWPPRA Phase 2 construction funding.

  • Project received Phase 1 E&D funding from the CWPPRA program for PPL27.



Project 3: NE Turtle Bay Marsh Creation Extension
  • Nearing completion of a geotechnical report and 30% E&D review. Anticipating a CWPPRA Phase 2 construction request in December of 2025.

  • 30% E&D review to be completed by February/March of 2025.

  • Geotechnical work has begun.

  • Approval of CWPPRA Phase 1 E&D funding of $3,591,775.

  • Received CWPPRA Phase 1 E&D funding under PPL31.

What is a Marsh Creation Project?

Graphic depiction of Marsh Creation Projects by SCAPE. Found in 2023 Coastal Master Plan.

Graphic by SCAPE, published in 2023 Coastal Master Plan.

Marsh creation or “dredging” uses sediment from the Mississippi River, nearby water bottoms or offshore shoals to build land in shallow, open water areas, typically where land has been lost. These projects can build land fairly quickly, but will eventually fall victim to the same process that caused the land to disappear originally. This type of project can be used in conjunction with sediment diversions to trap sediment, and sediment diversions can lengthen the lifespan of marsh creation projects by providing a continual source of sediment to the new marsh surface.

Other Marsh Creation Projects

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Ecological Highlights

Supporter Spotlight

Lauren Averill
