Sen. Barbara Boxer Expresses Support for Dedicating Clean Water Act Penalties to Gulf Restoration
We are encouraged by Senator Barbara Boxer’s comments yesterday, reported in the Times-Picayune:
Senate Environment and Public Works Committee Chairwoman Barbara Boxer said Wednesday she’ll quickly move legislation giving Louisiana and other Gulf states the vast majority of fines imposed on BP for last year’s massive BP oil spill.
Boxer, a California Democrat, said she’s encouraged that Louisiana’s two senators, Democrat Mary Landrieu and Republican David Vitter, are working together on such legislation and plans to schedule a committee vote soon. (Continue reading “Sen. Boxer promises quick action on bill to give Gulf states bulk of BP fines”)
Senator Boxer’s comments lend further momentum to a move that already enjoys strong public support in all five Gulf Coast states and significant support in Washington and raise hopes that Congress will indeed pass legislation this year dedicating Clean Water Act penalties from the Deepwater Horizon disaster to Gulf restoration. Thank you, Senator Boxer.