Latest Mississippi River Delta News: Oct. 28, 2013
BP’s bill for Gulf of Mexico spill set to hit $43bn
By Emily Gosden, The Telegraph. Oct. 28, 2013.
“BP is expected to reveal this week that its total bill for the Gulf of Mexico disaster has increased to more than $43bn, as it reports that low refining margins have caused profits to slump as much as 37pc…” (read more)
Life on the edge of climate change: An up close look at being climate refugees
By Babs Roaming Buffalo Bagwell, Huffington Post Green. Oct. 23, 2013.
“To me, Isle de Jean Charles, located along the most southern tip of Louisiana, a place where the land meets the water and the Gulf is our backyard, is the most beautiful place on earth…” (read more)
Teams join together to help with sustainability
By Jonathan Olivier, The Daily Reveille (Baton Rouge, La.). Oct. 24, 2013.
“Louisiana’s Mississippi River Delta will be gaining international attention this year. Teams of engineers, scientists and other researchers from the private sector and around the world will be joining together to re-envision the sustainability of the southern portion of the river in the Changing Course competition…” (read more)
Gulf shrimper Dean Blanchard of Grand Isle sets the record straight about BP’s failed cleanup
By Julie Dermansky, De Smog Blog. Oct. 23, 2013.
“The second phase of hearings in the legal battle over the BP oil disaster in the Gulf of Mexico ended on October 17th…” (read more)
Rougarou Festival draws hundreds downtown
By Jacob Batte, The Houma Courier (Houma, La.). Oct. 26, 2013.
“The festival raises money and promotes awareness for the Houma-based South Louisiana Wetlands Discovery Center, a nonprofit that focuses on coastal land loss…” (read more)