Latest Mississippi River Delta News: Jan. 24, 2014
New Orleans: On Point Live! American Coastline — The View From Louisiana
By Tom Ashbrook, NPR. Jan. 24, 2014.
“In Louisiana, they understand how nature and the not-so-natural can hit the coast…” (read more)
Survey: Majority of La. residents say coastal erosion biggest issue in lifetime
By WWL TV. Jan. 23, 2014.
“A new random survey of people in Louisiana finds that 74 percent believe the loss of coastal wetlands is the most important issue in their lifetime…” (read more)
Deepwater Horizon: Identifying Harmful Elements of Persisting Oil
By Science World Report. Jan. 23, 2014.
“Scientists are unraveling the composition of persisting oil residues collected from Gulf of Mexico beaches following the Deepwater Horizon disaster…” (read more)
Researchers to hold conference in Mobile to discuss after-effects of the BP oil spill
By Michael Finch, The Press-Register (Mobile, Ala.). Jan. 23, 2014.
“Almost four years after the Deepwater Horizon oil spill and researchers are still grappling with the after effects…” (read more)
Morganza Lock design work to begin this year
By Xerxes Wilson, The Houma Courier. Jan. 23, 2014.
“As the wait continues for congressional authorization of Morganza-to-the-Gulf, the state will begin design of the federal levee system’s most expensive section this fiscal year…” (read more)